View Menu

From GeoGebra Manual
Revision as of 15:52, 11 August 2015 by Markus.winkler (talk | contribs) (added missing menu points)
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Menu view algebra.svg Algebra

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + A (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + A)
This menu item allows you to show or hide the Algebra View.

Menu view spreadsheet.svg Spreadsheet

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + S (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + S)
This menu item allows you to show or hide the Spreadsheet View.

Menu view cas.svg CAS

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + K (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + K)
This menu item allows you to show or hide the CAS View.

Menu view graphics.svg Graphics

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + 1 (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + 1)
This menu item allows you to show or hide the Graphics View.

Menu view graphics2.svg Graphics 2

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + 2 (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + 2)
This menu item allows you to show or hide a second Graphic View.

Perspectives algebra 3Dgraphics.svg 3D Graphics

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + 3 (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + 3)
This menu item allows you to show or hide the 3D Graphics View.

Menu view probability.svg Probablitiy Calculator

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + P (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + P)
This menu item allows you to show or hide the Probability Calculator.

Menu view construction protocol.svg Construction Protocol…

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + L (MacOS: Cmd + Shift + L)
This menu item opens the Construction Protocol dialog.

Keyboard.png Keyboard (GeoGebra Desktop only)

This menu item allows you to show or hide the Virtual Keyboard, that you can use with a mouse, and contains the standard keyboard characters, as well as the most used mathematical symbols and operators.

Empty16x16.png Input Bar

This menu item allows you to show or hide the Input Bar and the Command List at the bottom of the GeoGebra window.

Menu Properties Gear.png Layout... (GeoGebra Desktop only)

This menu opens the dialog in which you can configure the layout of:
the Input Bar
the Toolbar
the Views
the Sidebar

Empty16x16.png Navigation Bar (GeoGebra Web and Tablet App only)

This menu item allows you to show or hide the Navigation Bar at the bottom of the GeoGebra window.

Menu Refresh.png Refresh Views

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + F (MacOS: Cmd + F)
This menu item allows you to repaint all views on screen.
Note: You can use this menu item to delete any traces of points or lines in the Graphics View.

Empty16x16.png Recompute all objects

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + R (MacOS: Cmd + R)
or F9
This menu item recomputes all objects used in your GeoGebra file.
Note: You can use this menu item to create new random numbers if you used any in your GeoGebra file.
© 2024 International GeoGebra Institute