
来自GeoGebra Manual
Nuhero讨论 | 贡献2021年6月17日 (四) 08:56的版本 →‎重新命名物件
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  • :: In GeoGebra, points are always named using upper case letters. Just type in the name (e.g. A, P) and an equal sign in front of the coordinates or commands.
範例: C = (2, 4), P = (1; 180°)
  • 向量:: In order to distinguish between points and vectors, vectors need to have a lower case name in GeoGebra. Again, type in the name (e.g. v, u) and an equal sign in front of the coordinates or commands.
範例: v = (1, 3), u = (3; 90°)
  • 直線、圓與圓椎曲線:: These objects can be named by typing in the name and a colon in front of their equations or commands.
範例: g: y = x + 3, c: (x-1)^2 + (y – 2)^2 = 4, hyp: x^2 – y^2 = 2
  • 函數: You can name functions by typing, for example, f(x) = or g(x) = in front of the function’s equation or commands.
範例: h(x) = 2 x + 4, q(x) = x^2, trig(x) = sin(x)
  • If you don’t manually assign a name to an object, GeoGebra assigns the names of new objects in alphabetical order.
  • You can create indices within the names of objects by using an underscore. For example A1 is entered as A_1 and sAB is entered as s_{AB} into the Input Bar.


有些單詞在 GeoGebra 裡有特殊意義或作用,通常是內建函數或常數,在為物件命名時,請不要使用它們當作名稱:

x, y, z, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, abs, sgn, sqrt, exp, log, ln, ld, lg, cos, sin, tan, acos, arcos, arccos, asin, arcsin, atan, arctan, cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, arcosh, arccosh, asinh, arcsinh, atanh, arctanh, atan2, erf, floor, ceil, round, random, conjugate, arg, gamma, gammaRegularized, beta, betaRegularized, sec, csc, cosec, cot, sech, csch, coth


  • π :圓周率 pi,快捷鍵為 Alt + p
  • ℯ :尤拉數,例如用在指數函數 ℯ^x ,快捷鍵為 Alt + e
  • ί :虛數單位,例如用在複數 z = 3 + ί ,快捷鍵為 Alt + i

假如 e 和 i 沒有被用作物件的名稱,那它們會被視為是常數 ℯ 和 ί 。



您也可以在此物件的快顯功能表內點選 Menu-edit-rename.svg 重新命名,或是開啟此物件 Menu-options.svg 屬性對話窗一般分頁,在名稱欄位輸入新名稱。

  • GeoGebra 通常會自動解析相依性,也就是說物件名稱在它的定義內也會跟著修正。若腳本內牽涉的物件有被重新命名,您需要自行手動修正腳本內的物件名稱。
  • 若您指定給某個物件的名稱已經被其他物件使用,那麼前一個同名物件的名稱將被更改。例如:如果將 B 點的名稱改為 AA 點已經存在,則原來這個 A 點會被重新命名為 A1


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