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在製作帶有程式功能的互動式學習單時,動作物件(Action Object)可能會派上用場。


勾選框真假值的圖像表徵,可以使用 Mode showcheckbox.svg 勾選框工具Checkbox_指令來建立。


Input Boxes work as text inputs for scripts. The script is triggered by changing text in the Input Box and either pressing enter or leaving the Input Box. The inserted value may be accessed using the %0 variable.

範例: Input Box with a=a+%0 in script will increase number a by the entered value. Works only if a is free.

If you want the Input Box to change value of a free object (or redefine dependent object), you may define that object as linked. This way you don't have to insert any script.
Input Boxes can be created using the Mode textfieldaction.svg Input Box Tool or the InputBox Command.


按鈕可以使用 Mode buttonaction.svg [[按鈕_工具]按鈕]工具Button_指令來建立。


若您想要顯示某個串列的內容,可以整合至下拉式選單(drop-down list):

  • Menu view graphics.svg 繪圖區中:開啟串列的 Menu-options.svg : check the Draw as drop-down list box in the Basics tab of the Menu-options.svg Properties Dialog of the list.
  • Menu view spreadsheet.svg 試算表中:您可以在儲存格中輸入一個集合(如:A1={1,2,3,4}),然後打開 Menu view spreadsheet.svg 試算表選項,並勾選「使用按鈕與勾選框」,這時儲存格就會變為一個下拉式選單。
    備註: 請看以下的影片說明(沒有錄音):


如果在程式中要使用目前下拉式選單所選擇的項目,可以使用 SelectedIndexSelectedElement 兩個指令。

範例: To create a drop-down list with three functions x+1, x^2, sqrt(x), first create a list by typing L={x+1, x^2,sqrt(x)} in the input bar. Then right-click the list in Algebra View and select Object Properties.... Select the Draw as drop-down list option in the appearing dialog window. You can also enter a caption that describes the drop-down list. In order to plot in Graphics View the currently selected function, enter the command SelectedElement(L) in the input bar .
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