ZoomIn Command

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ZoomIn( <Scale Factor> )
Zooms the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View in by given factor with respect to current zoom, center of the screen is used as center point for the zoom.
ZoomIn(1) doesn't do anything
ZoomIn(2) zooms the view in
ZoomIn(0.5) is equivalent to ZoomOut(2), i.e. it zooms the view out.
ZoomIn( <Scale Factor>, <Center Point> )
Zooms the Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View in by given factor with respect to current zoom, second parameter specifies center point for the zoom.
ZoomIn(2, (0, 0))
ZoomIn( <Min x>, <Min y>, <Max x>, <Max y> )
Zooms the graphics view to the rectangle given by vertices (Min x, Min y), (Max x, Max y).
ZoomIn(0, 1, 5, 6)
Note: If any of these parameters are dependent or has label set, the bounds of the view become dynamic. To avoid this behaviour, use CopyFreeObject Command.
If a is a slider, ZoomIn(-a, -a, a, a) makes the zoom of the view dependent on slider a.


Idea of Use[edit]

Linear aproximation of a function by its tangent[edit]

Create a function f with a point A on it and a button with the code ZoomIn(2,A) to see that the function looks equal to the tangent for a big "magnification". Another button with ZoomOut let you be able to prove this at other positions of the point A.

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