
Uit GeoGebra Manual
Versie door Ccambre (overleg | bijdragen) op 31 jan 2016 om 15:54
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Accessories dictionary.png
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Standaard wordt de Knoppenbalk getoond bovenaan in het GeoGebra scherm of net onder de Menubalk (GeoGebra Desktop). De knoppenbalk is onderverdeeld in rolmenu's, waarin gelijkaardige knoppen gegroepeerd werden.


Knoppenbalk van het Tekenvenster

Help bij een knop

Bij het selecteren van een knop, verschijnt een zgn. tooltip met uitleg over het gebruik van de knop.

Nota: Selecteer je de tooltip in de Download-icons-device-tablet.png GeoGebra Web en Tablet Apps versie, dan opent in je browser een webpagina met uitleg over de knop.

Gebruik je Download-icons-device-screen.png GeoGebra Desktop, dan kan je in de menubalk op Help klikken. In het dialoogvenster kan je Initiatiehandleidingen selecteren om met GeoGebra te leren werken. In Handleiding kan je meer uitleg opzoeken over de knop. Je kunt ook doorverbinden naar het online Gebruikersforum om meer uitleg te vragen.
Je kunt ook helemaal rechts in de knoppenbalk op het vraagteken klikken om het dialoogvenster Help te openen. Hierin kan je verder doorklikken naar Toon online help.

Different Toolbars for Different Views

Each View except the Menu view algebra.svg Algebra View has its own Toolbar, providing Tools specific for the View you are working with.

Graphics View Toolbar Toolbar-Graphics.png
3D Graphics View Toolbar Toolbar-3D-Graphics.png
CAS View Toolbar Toolbar-CAS.png
Spreadsheet View Toolbar Toolbar-Spreadsheet.png

Once you start using another View within the GeoGebra window, the Toolbar changes automatically. If you open another View in a separate window, it will have its Toolbar attached.

Customizing the Toolbar

Creating a Custom Toolbar

The different Toolbars can be customized by selecting Customize Toolbar… from the Menu-tools.svg Tools Menu.

GeoGebra Desktop

  • From the drop-down list select the Toolbar of the View you want to edit.
  • To remove a Tool or entire Toolbox from the custom Toolbar, select it in the list on the left hand side of the appearing dialog window and click the button Remove >.
  • To add a Tool to your custom Toolbar, select it in the right list and click the button < Insert.
  • To add a Tool to a new Toolbox, select a Toolbox in the left list and the Tool you want to insert in the right list. Then, click < Insert. Your Tool is inserted as part of a new Toolbox below the selected Toolbox.
  • To add a Tool to an existing Toolbox, open the Toolbox in the left list and select the Tool above the desired position of the new Tool. Then, select the Tool from the right list and click < Insert.
  • To move a Tool from one Toolbox to another, you need to remove the Tool first and then add it to the other Toolbox.

GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps

  • In the right upper corner of the GeoGebra window, select the Toolbar of the View you want to edit.
  • To remove a Tool or entire Toolbox from the custom Toolbar, select it in the list on the left hand side of the appearing dialog window and drag and drop it in the right list.
  • To add a Tool to your custom Toolbar, select it in the right list and drag and drop it in the left list.
  • To add a Tool to a new Toolbox, select the Tool you want to insert in the right list and drag and drop it below a Toolbox in the left list. Your Tool is inserted as part of a new Toolbox below the other Toolbox.
  • To add a Tool to an existing Toolbox, open the Toolbox in the left list. Select a Tool in the right list and drag and drop that Tool below a Tool of the opened Toolbox in the left list.
  • To move a Tool from one Toolbox to another, open both Toolboxes, select a Tool and drag and drop it in the other Toolbox.
Nota: You can restore the default Toolbar using the button Restore Default Toolbar in the right lower corner of the dialog window.

Changing the Position of the Toolbar

In GeoGebra Desktop, you can change the position of the Toolbar using the Layout option in the View Menu.

Changing the Toolbar in a GeoGebra Applet

The appearance of the Toolbar in a Dynamic Worksheets can be set using the customToolBar parameter.

© 2024 International GeoGebra Institute