HistogramRight 指令

出自GeoGebra Manual
前往: 導覽搜尋
Accessories dictionary.png

HistogramRight[ <List of Class Boundaries>, <List of Heights> ]
HistogramRight[ <List of Class Boundaries>, <List of Raw Data>, <Use Density> , <Density Scale Factor> (optional) ]
HistogramRight[ <Boolean Cumulative>, <List of Class Boundaries>, <List of Raw Data>, <Use Density> , <Density Scale Factor> (optional) ]
HistogramRight[ <List of Class Boundaries B>, <List of Heights H> ]
Same as Histogram[B,H]
HistogramRight[ <List of Class Boundaries B>, <List of Raw Data D>, <Boolean Use Density> , <Density Scale Factor f> (optional) ]
Same as Histogram[B,D,Use Density, f], except that if a datum is equal to the right border of a class, it is counted in this class and not in the next one.
HistogramRight[ <Boolean Cumulative>, <List of Class Boundaries B>, <List of Raw Data D>, <Boolean Use Density> , <Density Scale Factor f> (optional) ]
Same as Histogram[Cumulative, B,D,Use Density, f], except that if a datum is equal to the right border of a class, it is counted in this class and not in the next one.
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