Binomial 指令

出自GeoGebra Manual
前往: 導覽搜尋
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Binomial[ <Number of Trials>, <Probability of Success> ]
Returns a bar graph of a Binomial distribution.
Number of Trials: number of independent Bernoulli trials
Probability of Success: probability of success in one trial
Binomial[ <Number of Trials>, <Probability of Success>, <Boolean Cumulative> ]
Returns a bar graph of a Binomial distribution when Cumulative = false.
Returns a bar graph of a cumulative Binomial distribution when Cumulative = true.
First two parameters are same as above.
Binomial[ <Number of Trials>, <Probability of Success>, <Variable Value v>, <Boolean Cumulative> ]
Let X be a Binomial random variable.
Returns P( X = v) when Cumulative = false.
Returns P( X ≤ v) when Cumulative = true.
First two parameters are same as above.

CAS Specific Syntax

In CAS View only one syntax is allowed:

Binomial[ <Number of Trials>, <Probability of Success>, <Variable Value v>, <Boolean Cumulative> ]
Let X be a Binomial random variable.
Returns P( X = v) when Cumulative = false.
Returns P( X ≤ v) when Cumulative = true.
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