Tasti di scelta rapida

Da GeoGebra Manual.
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Tasto Tasto di scelta rapida Azione
A CTRL+A Seleziona tutto
A CTRL+MAIUSC+A Mostra la Vista Algebra
A ALT+A alfa α
B ALT+B beta β
C CTRL+C Copia (foglio di calcolo) CTRL-ALT-C copia i valori (foglio di calcolo)
C CTRL+MAIUSC+C Vista Grafica negli Appunti
D CTRL+D Alterna valore/definizione/comando
D ALT+D delta δ
E CTRL+E Apre Proprietà
E ALT+E Euler ℯ
F CTRL+F Aggiorna la videata
F ALT+F phi φ
G ALT+G gamma γ
I ALT+I infinito ∞
J CTRL+J Seleziona discendenti
J CTRL+MAIUSC+J Seleziona ascendenti
L CTRL+L Seleziona livello corrente
L ALT+L lambda λ
M CTRL+MAIUSC+M Esporta gli Appunti Export in
Moodle/LMS/VLE ecc
M ALT+M mu μ
N CTRL+N Nuova Finestra
O ALT+O degree symbol °(also in slider dialog for min, max, increment)
P CTRL+P Print Preview
P CTRL+MAIUSC+P Export as picture
(png, eps, etc.)
P ALT+P pi π(also in slider dialog for min, max, increment)
Q CTRL+Q Seleziona descendants (deprecated)
Q CTRL+MAIUSC+Q Seleziona ancestors (deprecated)
R CTRL+R Recompute all objects
(including random numbers)
S CTRL+MAIUSC+S View foglio di calcolo
S ALT+S sigma σ
T CTRL+MAIUSC+T Export as PSTricks
T ALT+T theta θ
V CTRL+V Paste (foglio di calcolo)
W CTRL+W Close (MacOS)
W CTRL+MAIUSC+W Export Dynamic Worksheet
W ALT+W omega ω
0 ALT+0 to the power of 0
1 CTRL+1 Standard font size, line thickness, and point size
1 ALT+1 to the power of 1
2 CTRL+2 Increase font size, line thickness, and point size
2 ALT+2 to the power of 2
3 CTRL+3 Black/white mode
3 ALT+3 to the power of 3
4 ALT+4 to the power of 4
5 ALT+5 to the power of 5
6 ALT+6 to the power of 6
7 ALT+7 to the power of 7
8 ALT+8 to the power of 8
9 ALT+9 to the power of 9
- - Decrease Selezionaed slider/number
Move Selezionaed point along curve
- CTRL+- Zoom out(hold ALT as well for accelerated zoom)
- ALT+- minus-or-plus ∓
+ + Increase Selezionaed slider/number
Move Selezionaed point along curve
+ CTRL++ Zoom in(hold ALT as well for accelerated zoom)
+ ALT++ plus-or-minus ±
= = Increase Selezionaed slider/number
Move Selezionaed point along curve
= CTRL+= Zoom in(hold ALT as well for accelerated zoom)
= ALT+= not-equal-to ≠
< ALT+< less-than-or-equal-to ≤
, (comma) ALT+, (comma) less-than-or-equal-to ≤
> ALT+> greater-than-or-equal-to ≥
. (period) ALT+. (period) greater-than-or-equal-to ≥
F1 F1 Help
F2 F2 Start editing Selezionaed object
F3 F3 copia definizione of Selezionaed object to the Input Bar
F4 F4 copia valore of Selezionaed object to the Input Bar
F5 F5 copia name of Selezionaed object to the Input Bar
F9 F9 Recompute all objects (including random numbers)(MacOS: Cmd-R)
Enter Enter alterna input between Vista Grafica and Input Bar
Left Click Left Click (current mode)
Left Click ALT+Left Click copia definizione to input bar
Left Click ALT+Left Drag create list of Selezionaed objects in input bar
Right Click Right click in Vista Grafica Fast drag mode (drag on object)
Zoom (drag not on object)
Open menu (click on object)
Open Axes and Grid menu (click not on object)
Right Click Right click in Vista Grafica CTRL+MAIUSC+Right
in Vista Grafica
Right Click MAIUSC + Right Drag Zooms without preserving the aspect ratio
Scroll Wheel Scroll Wheel Zoom in / out (Application)
Scroll Wheel CTRL+Scroll Wheel Zoom in / out (Applet)
Scroll Wheel ALT+Scroll Wheel Accelerated zoom in / out
Delete Delete Delete current Selezionaion
Backspace Backspace Delete current Selezionaion
Up arrow Up arrow Increase Selezionaed slider/number
Move Selezionaed point up
Go to older entry in Input Bar history
Go up in construction protocol
Up arrow CTRL+Up arrow x10 speed multiplierfoglio di calcolo:
go to top of current block of cells
(or go up to next defined cell)
Up arrow CTRL+MAIUSC+Up arrow x0.1 speed multiplier
(just shift, not ctrl-shift)
Up arrow ALT+Up arrow x100 multiplier
Right arrow Right arrow Increase Selezionaed slider/number
Move Selezionaed point right
Go up in construction protocol
Right arrow CTRL+Right arrow x10 speed multiplierfoglio di calcolo:
go to right of current block of cells
(or go right to next defined cell)
Right arrow CTRL+MAIUSC+Right arrow x0.1 speed multiplier
(just shift, not ctrl-shift)
Right arrow ALT+Right arrow x100 multiplier
Left arrow Left arrow Decrease Selezionaed slider/number
Move Selezionaed point left
Go down in construction protocol
Left arrow CTRL+Left arrow x10 speed multiplierfoglio di calcolo:
go to left of current block of cells
(or go left to next defined cell)
Left arrow CTRL+MAIUSC+Left arrow x0.1 speed multiplier
(just shift, not ctrl-shift)
Left arrow ALT+Left arrow x100 multiplier
Down arrow Down arrow Decrease Selezionaed slider/number
Move Selezionaed point down
Go to newer entry in Input Bar history
Go down in construction protocol
Down arrow CTRL+Down arrow x10 speed multiplierfoglio di calcolo:
go to bottom of current block of cells
(or go down to next defined cell)
Down arrow CTRL+MAIUSC+Down arrow x0.1 speed multiplier
(just shift, not ctrl-shift)
Down arrow ALT+Down arrow x100 multiplier
Home Home Go to first item in construction protocolfoglio di calcolo: go to top left
PgUp PgUp Go to first item in construction protocol
End End Go to last item in construction protocol foglio di calcolo: go to bottom right
PgDn PgDn Go to last item in construction protocol

In addition, use ALT-MAIUSC (Mac OSX CTRL-MAIUSC) to get upper-case Greek characters.

Note that on Mac OSX, instead of pressing ALT to get the Greek and mathematical characters, you must use CTRL.

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