Cube Command

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Cube[ <Point>, <Point>, <Direction> ]
Creates a cube having the segment between the two points as an edge.
The other vertices are uniquely determined by the given direction, that should be one of:
  • a vector, a segment, a line, a ray orthogonal to the segment, or
  • a polygon, a plane parallel to the segment.
The created cube will have:
  • a face with the segment as an edge in a plane orthogonal to the given vector/segment/line/ray, or
  • a face with the segment as an edge in a plane parallel to the polygon/plane.
Cube[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point>]
Creates a cube with three (adjacent) points of the first face. The points have to start a square for the cube to be defined.
Cube[ <Point>, <Point>]
Creates a cube with two (adjacent) points of the first face, and the third point automatically created on a circle, so that the cube can rotate around its first edge.
Note: Cube[A, B] is a shortcut for Cube[A, B, C] with C = Point[Circle[B, Distance[A, B], Segment[A, B]]].
Note: See also Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron, Dodecahedron commands.
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