Comments:GeoGebra Community Newsletter 2012/2

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Dear Members of GeoGebra Institutes,

GeoGebra 10 Years Logo Contest Winners

GeoGebra Institute Websites

We are delighted to see that so many of you have created beautiful and unique websites for your GeoGebra Institutes. In each newsletter we will present a few of those sites that have captured our attention.

• GeoGebra Institute of KSTM, Korea [1]
• GeoGebra Institute of Sao Paulo, Brasil [2]

What you can do: Get inspired! Create your own GI website and let us know about it! E-mail Institutes

Local Activities

Congratulations to our four new GeoGebra Ambassadors:

What you can do: Submit fun photos, videos or articles about your GeoGebra related activities (GG trainings, days, excursions, contests etc.) here .The best materials sent in will be included in our upcoming community newsletters!

Blogs and Social Media

• Check out the blog of our 16 year old bright Italian friends who have written a 350 pages book on their GeoGebra research[3]
• Browse through the colorful math and multimedia blog of Guillermo Bautista at the GeoGebra Institute of Metro Manila[4]
• A new facebook page has come out, designed to help, to promote, to discuss and to share what people of Central America and The Caribbean do with GeoGebra. [5]

What you can do: Post, discuss, share online your experiences with GeoGebra! Start a blog, a facebook, twitter, google+ page or just simply share with us any interesting pages you find about GeoGebra on the worldwide web Click here to submit a page
If you tweet about a conference please use the #ggbconf hashtag.

Translation Issues

The GeoGebra software is currently available in 60 languages, however there are a few translations still missing like Thai, Afrikaans, Filipino etc.

What you can do:Do your students understand everything? If GeoGebra is not available in your local language, please work with us to find volunteer translators and make GeoGebra accessible for everyone. E-mail Translation

Conferences and Workshops

What you can do:

1, Please attend and also take a minute to let others know about our events!
2, Have we missed your event? If yes, please upload information here
3, It is our goal that GeoGebra appear in every important math or IT related conference.We are maintaining a list of such potential conferences here. Please attend where you can and spread the word about GeoGebra!
If you know about a potential conference where GeoGebra should be present please upload information here

If you need assistance with organizing a conference/workshop please e-mail us.E-mail Events

Publications and Research Activities

What you can do: Please let us know if you do any GeoGebra related research activities (writing an article, study, manual, lesson plans etc.) by uploading information here or if it is more convenient by filling out a form here

GeoGebra Worksheets

We are working on new features of the GeoGebra tube[6], so that it will be even more useful!
What you can do: Please keep on uploading fantastic materials! We will include some of the most impressive ones in our newsletters.

New GeoGebra Institutes

We would like to hereby welcome our new GeoGebra Institutes!

What you can do: Help us extend the GI network! Please tell us if you know anyone who would be willing to establish a GeoGebra Instiute. E-mail Institutes

Thank you for your attention! The IGI GeoGebra Team

© 2024 International GeoGebra Institute