Comments:LaTeX-tips font size color box and math

From GeoGebra Manual
Revision as of 08:00, 10 March 2012 by Noel Lambert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "GeoGebra use ''JLaTeXMath'' (a powerful ally) to show mathematical formulas (text and symbols) using LaTeX. The first thing to remember is that LaTeX works in two modes '''text...")
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GeoGebra use JLaTeXMath (a powerful ally) to show mathematical formulas (text and symbols) using LaTeX. The first thing to remember is that LaTeX works in two modes text mode and math mode. Enter text must be in text mode and writing mathematical in [b]math mode[/b].

By default when checking the box "LaTeX formula" that enters math mode(font in italic), if we enter text (roman font) must switch to text mode by typing:\text{text text text}or \mbox{text text text}


Font size

The size of the fonts can be changed globally with the following commands:\tiny \scriptsize \footnotesize \small \normalsize \large \Large \LARGE \huge \Huge The command \normalsize back font to its original size. If you want to combine different font sizes should add the commands in braces {...}. This is an example of combination of sizes in math mode: {\scriptsize A}{\footnotesize B}{\small C}{\normalsize D}{\large E}{\Large F}{\LARGE G}{\huge H}{\Huge I} This is an example of combination of sizes in text/math mode using [b]\oldstylenums{ ...}[/b] command (only math mode): \text{{\Huge GeoGebra}, the most powerful, {\small since }}\oldstylenums{ 2001-2012} We can also use the command in text/math mode:\scalebox{h_scale}[v_scale]{...} where {h_scale} is a positive(negative) number (mandatory) and [v_scale] is a positive number (optional), numbers can be sliders. for example:\scalebox{2}{\text{{\Huge GeoGebra}, the most powerful, {\small since }}\oldstylenums{ 2001-2012}}

Font Family

In text mode we have the following families of text, we can use globally or using braces {...}: \rm or {\rm } \sf or {\sf } \tt or {\tt } This is an example: \text{{\rm GeoGebra}{\sf ,the most powerful}, {\tt since }}\oldstylenums{ 2001-2012} In math mode we have the following families (default mathrm): \mathcal{ABC} \mathrm{abc} \mathbf{abc} \mathsf{abc} \mathit{abc} \mathtt{abc} \mathfrak{abc} \mathbb{ABC} \mathscr{ABC} For example:\mathbb{G}\mathfrak{e}\mathbf{o}\mathsf{G}\mathscr{E}\mathtt{b}\mathrm{a}

Font Series

For text mode use \bf or {\bf ...} and for math mode use \mathbf{...},

Example: \text{\bf GeoGebra }\mathbf{\sqrt{2012^{2}}}

Font Shapes

For Small Caps in [b]text mode[/b] use:\text{{\sc GeoGebra} or \textsc{GeoGebra}

Quotation marks

Straight quotes "..." is a special character for GeoGebra, should never be used directly in LaTeX. For a single quotation marks in [b]text mode[/b] use: \text{`Simple'} and for double quotation marks use:\text{``Doble} For more info see

Horizontal space.

For a single spaced in [b]text mode[/b] use the space bar for other spaces we have the following commands:\quad \qquad \hspace{...} The command [b]\hspace{...}[/b] (and [b]\quad[/b], [b]\qquad[/b] also available in [b]math mode[/b]) supports the following units of measurement (positive and negative) :pt point (1 in = 72.27 pt) pc pica (1 pc = 12 pt) in inch (1 in = 25.4 mm) bp big point (1 in = 72 bp) cm centimetre (1 cm = 10 mm) mm millimetre dd didot point (1157 dd = 1238 pt) sp scaled point (65536 sp = 1 pt) In math mode we have the following commands:\, a small space \: a medium space \; a large space \! a negative space (moves things back to the left)

Boxes and Color (In both modes)

Text and Math in Color

The colors supported directly by [i]JLaTeXMath[/i] can be found in you can use the command:\textcolor{color}{...} for example: \text{\textcolor{WildStrawberry}{Geo}\textcolor{blue}{G}\textcolor{red}{ebra}}\,\textcolor{green}{\oldstylenums{4.2}

Frame Boxes

For simple frame boxes (no colors) use :\boxed{2012\text{ is now!} or\fbox{2012\text{ is now!}

Color Boxes

A. For a color box (same color in border and background) use:\colorbox{red}{2012\text{ is now!} B. For a color box (diferent color in border and background) use:\fcolorbox{blue}{red}{2012\text{ is now!}

Rotate Boxes

If you need to rotate a box (or whatever) use:\rotatebox{angle}{...} For example:\rotatebox{45}{\fcolorbox{blue}{red}{2012\text{ is now!}}

Reflect Boxes

If you need to reflect a box (or whatever) use:\reflectbox{...} For example:\reflectbox{\fcolorbox{blue}{red}{2012\text{ is now!}}

Phantom Boxes

Sometimes it is necessary to have these phantom boxes,for systems, control the height under a root, alignment on a formula, etc. It has these three commands:\phantom{XXX} space as wide and high as three X’s \hphantom{XXX} space as wide as three X’s; height 0 \vphantom{X} space of width 0, height = height of X For example:\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{\vphantom{b}a} I think that's all for now, in the future (if I have time) will write a little about tables and matrices. [i]JLaTeXMath[/i] supports many mathematical environments (whitout *) I recommend reading If other forum users wish to contribute with examples (math environments) would be great. Saludos Pablo. PS:I did not know whether to write here or in Using GeoGebra...

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