AttachCopyToView 指令

来自GeoGebra Manual
Nuhero讨论 | 贡献2024年1月9日 (二) 03:36的版本
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AttachCopyToView( <物件>, <视区 0|1|2> )
若 <视区> 为 0,(会在主绘图区)建立 <物件> 的应变副本。若 <视区> 为 1 或 2,会在指定的 Menu view graphics.svg (主、副)绘图区建立 <物件> 的应变副本,但这些副本的尺寸会是常数。
poly = Polygon((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1))
输入 AttachCopyToView(poly, 1) 会在相同位置建立一个相同尺寸的正方形。
备注: 一旦副本建立后,GeoGebra 会自动在副本物件的定义字段补上剩下四个引数到指令中(请参考下一个语法)。
AttachCopyToView( <物件>, <视区 0|1|2>, <点 1>, <点 2>, <萤幕点 1>, <萤幕点 2> )
If View = 0, a copy of given object is created. For View = 1 or View = 2 this command creates a dependent copy of given object whose size in given Menu view graphics.svg Graphics View is transformed using the affine transform that maps Point 1 to a point whose screen coordinates (in pixels) are equal to Screen Point 1, and Point 2 to a point with screen coordinates equal to Screen Point 2.
Let poly = Polygon((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)).
If Graphics View 1 is active, AttachCopyToView(poly, 1, (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 0), (100, 100)) creates a 100px x 100px square in the top left corner of the Graphics View.
备注: All points of the object are copied, even if they lie outside the view.
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