
来自GeoGebra Manual
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點與向量能以直角坐標或極坐標(請參閱「數值與角度」)的形式,透過指令列輸入來建立。也能使用 Mode point.svg 新點工具畫點、使用 Mode vectorfrompoint.svg 向量(指定起點、向量)工具Mode vector.svg 向量(過兩點)工具建立向量,還有各式各樣的指令可使用。

備註: 通常使用大寫字母命名點,而用小寫字母命名向量,但這樣的慣例必沒有強制性。
  • 輸入 P = (1, 0)v = (0, 5) 在直角坐標平面建立點 P 或向量 v
  • 輸入 P = (1, 0, 2)v = (0, 5, -1) 在直角坐標空間建立點 P 或向量 v
  • 輸入 P = (1; 0°)v = (5; 90°) 在極坐標平面建立點 P
  • 以 (ρ, θ, φ) 的形式輸入,例如 P = (1; 60°; 30°),在球面坐標空間建立點 P
  • 以儲存格位址命名,即可在 Menu view spreadsheet.svg 試算表之中建立一點,例如:A2 = (1, 0)
  • 在極坐標中必須以分號(;)做區隔,而不是逗號(,)。若您沒有打出度數(°)符號,GeoGebra 會將此角度視為以弧度為單位。
  • Coordinates of points and vectors can be accessed using predefined functions x() and y() (and z() for 3D points).
  • Polar coordinates of point Q can be obtained using abs(Q) and arg(Q) (and also alt(Q) for 3D points).
  • If P=(1,2) is a point and v=(3,4) is a vector, x(P) returns 1 and y(v) returns 4.
  • abs(P) returns 2.24 and arg(P) returns 26.57°.


In GeoGebra, you can also do calculations with points and vectors.

  • You can create the midpoint M of two points A and B by entering M = (A + B) / 2 into the Input Bar.
  • You may calculate the length of a vector v using length = sqrt(v * v) or length = Length(v)
  • You can get the coordinates of the starting and terminal point of a vector v using the commands Point(v, 0) and Point(v, 1) respectively.
  • If A = (a, b), then A + 1 returns (a + 1, b + 1). If A is a complex number a+bί, then A+1 returns a + 1 + bί.

Vector Product

Let (a, b) and (c, d) be two points or vectors. Then (a, b) ⊗ (c, d) returns the z-coordinate of vector product (a, b, 0) ⊗ (c, d, 0) as single number.

Similar syntax is valid for lists, but the result in such case is a list.

  • {1, 2} ⊗ {4, 5} returns {0, 0, -3}
  • {1, 2, 3} ⊗ {4, 5, 6} returns {3, 6, -3}.
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