Plantilla:Comandos Exclusivos CAS (Cálculo Avanzado)

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Esta plantilla crea una lista de comandos específicos en la Categoría:Comandos Exclusivos CAS (Cálculo Avanzado).

Uso Ejemplo

  • {{comandocas|algebra}}
  • {{comandocas|algebra|category}}
  • {{comandocas|cas=true|statistics|Zipf}}


tipo de comandocas "algebra","geometry","text","logical","function","conic","list","chart","statistics","probability",


tipo de comandocas; uno de "álgebra","geometría","texto","lógica","función","cónica","lista","diagrama","estadísticas", "probabilidad", "vector-matriz", "transformación", "hoja_de_cálculo","guiones", "discreta", "otras", "CAS","3D"
might equal "category" or be empty -- this affects the first line of the infobox. In non-english wikis it may contain other value and in that case it serves as title.
when true, page is included into CAS Exlusive Commands category.
only in non-english wikis; serves as title for command categories. By leaving a space in the beginning, you make the category come before A in alphabetical listing.
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