Difference between revisions of "Reference:Changelog 6.0"

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(* Desktop: Shaders turned off in the 3D View again)
(Page moved to https://geogebra.github.io/docs/reference/en/Changelog_6_0/)
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'''All releases will include the latest translation updates and corrections'''
Page moved to https://geogebra.github.io/docs/reference/en/Changelog_6_0/
== (not released yet)==
* Desktop: Shaders turned off in the 3D View again
* CAS View: improvement for <code>Solve[sqrt(3)*sin(2x)-cos(2x)=sqrt(2)]</code>
* Desktop: 3D View now uses Shaders
* new syntax <code>(t^2, t^3)</code> to create a parametric equation
* new syntax <code>Sequence[5,10]</code>
* new syntaxes <code>BinomialDist[10, 0.2, 1..3]</code> and <code>Poisson[1, 1..5]</code> to calculate a range of probabilities
* bugfix for "alpha" popup in Input Boxes
* 3D View: fix for cylinders
* new API command getLabelStyle(), getLabelVisible(), getGridVisible()
* command [[SetVisibleInView Command|SetVisibleInView][] and API function getVisible(geo, view) work for xAxis, yAxis, zAxis
* fix for bug in Function Inspector
* new api commands getCaption(), getPerspectiveXML()
* fix for Input Boxes
* CAS View: <code>Distance[ (1,2), y=x^2 ]</code> gives an exact answer again
* Algebra View: sliders and checkboxes are operational in the Algebra View as well as the Graphics View
* bugfix for <code>Sequence[ n ]</code>
* improvements for pasting CSV
* Default size for draggable points is now 5
* GeoGebra Graphing Calculator: first beta release for Android
* fix for Integral[Normal[5,1,x],5,6]
* fix for dragging eg Point inside Sphere
* Java Applets: signed with new certificate
* CAS View: new syntax <code>Solve[x^2 = 100, x > 0 ]</code>
* CAS View: fix for tan(pi/24) not giving exact value
* fix for Input Boxes attached to dependent numbers
* 3D View: fix for dragging Points inside Spheres
* Tools with Point on Path/Region as output work
* Line Opacity for Vectors
* Classic Desktop: play/pause icon missing in Graphics View
* fix for Reflect[ ] in scripts (for 3D objects)
* CAS View: fix for CompleteSquare[] for non-integers
* CAS View: fix for crashing problem with Points
* PlaySound[ <URL> ] can now play .mp3 files from eg DropBox, Google Drive
* CAS View: fix problem with long expressions being slow
* fix problem with changing Button's size
* fix missing right-click menu in Graphics View
* fix problem with EMF aspect ratio
* Graphics View: new play / pause buttons
* CAS View: new syntax for Solve eg <code>Solve[u *x < a,x, u>0]</code>
* Input Boxes: fix truncating problem
* CAS View: fix f(x) problem
* Navigation Bar working in Graphics View 2
* fix for Input Boxes
* ggbApplet.getMode() added (returns the current tool in use)
* CAS View: CompleteSquare[] implemented for higher powers
* allow unchecking of "Text as Shapes" for PDF export
* HTML5: fix for Area Tool
* fix Line Opacity for Lists, Sectors, Parametric & Implicit Curves
* Input Boxes now look consistent across Desktop/Web
* Input Boxes can have LaTeX captions between $...$, eg <code>$\sqrt{a}{b}$</code>
* bugfix for b = a
* bugfix for automatic slider creation
* ggbApplet.ggbApplet.getCASObjectNumber() added (gets how many CAS rows there are)
* New command SVD[] in Input Bar and CAS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_value_decomposition
* CAS View: Integrals simplified by default eg <code>Integral[2*exp(0.5x),0,ln(4)]</code>
* fix for Sensor View
* small fix for downloading wrong license
* CAS View: don't expand brackets by default eg <code>(x+1)^1000</code>
* fix for Derivative[sin(x) + random() x]
* CAS View: more improvements for SolveODE and fix for <code>Solve[{(((-5)*(sqrt(-a^2+b^2)))*(abs(b)))*((abs(a^2-b^2))/(b^3))},a]</code>
* Make sure Data and Freehand Functions work better with <code>Integral[f, a, b]</code>
* fix for entering calculations in Input Boxes, eg <code>2/7</code>
* fix for applet scaling
* fix for Undo and the Pen Tool
* new "Data Collection" View to go with the new [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.geogebra.data GeoGebra Sensors App]
* CAS View: implement Point[{1,2}], Point[{1,2,3}], fix for SolveODE with variables other than x, y, fix for BinomialDist
* new commands Minimize[ <Dependent Number>, <Point on Path> ], Maximize[ <Dependent Number>, <Point on Path> ]
* Android Beta Release
* DynamicCoordinates[] working in 3D
* fix for IsInRegion[]
* Relation Tool: enhanced for touching circles
* CAS View: fix for NSolve[21.4*x^0.631 = 40,x=2.7]
* Chrome App: fix for typing in the spreadsheet
* Chrome App: fix for double-clicking in the Algebra View
* HTML5: Colored Marbles in the Algebra View
* Chrome App: <Ctrl>V to paste images (when Image Tool selected)
* fixes for IterationList
* new version of Giac (fixes for eliminate and 10^(x+63/10-x))
* CAS View: implement ScientificText
* HTML5: fix for LocusEquation / Envelope / Prove
* fix for dragging Input Boxes
* Chrome App: Copy / Copy as LaTeX working in the CAS View
* fixes for zooming (rectangle in zoom tools, shift-right-drag)
* Alt-drag working again for copying as a list to the Input Bar
* fix for Rigid Polygon Tool
* HTML5: fix for PNG export from Probability Calculator
* [[Iteration Command|Iteration]][ <Expression>, <Variables>, <Start Values>, <Count> ]
* [[IterationList Command|IterationList]] [ <Expression>, <Variables>, <Start Values>, <Count> ]
* Numerator[ <Number> ], Denominator[ <Number> ] working in input bar (numerically)
* added ggbApplet.getLaTeXString(), getLaTeXBase64()
* ggbApplet.getValueString(), getDefinitionString() now work with CAS Cells
* updated to new version of Giac
* automatic coloring for functions
* fix for Simplify[(x - 1)² - (x - 1)/1]
* Retina: fix for background images
* HTML5: Spreadsheet columns limited to 26
* new commands RandomPointIn, RandomDiscrete, SetConstructionStep[ <Number> ]
* HTML5: Graphics Views are now in Retina resolution
* typing eg a = 1000 will change the slider range
* If two sliders are in the same place, make sure one can be dragged
* CAS View: improvement for FitPoly when degree + 1 == size
* Automatic coloring for functions
* CAS View: make sure wrong syntax doesn't return wrong answer, eg Factor[16b ℯ^(3x) + 20c ℯ^(3x) + 20b x ℯ^(3x),  ℯ ^(3x) ]
* AreEqual[] working for Segments and Polygons
* B ∈ a added for Paths & Regions
* 3D View: fix for Captions being clipped
* bugfix: "speed" and "repeat" missing from the "Algebra" tab for Points
* Chrome App: "Input..." shown in Algebra View Input
* Chrome App: fix for x√x in Algebra View Input
* new command Normalize[list of numbers / points]
* iOS / Android beta
* CAS View: fix for SolveODE
* CAS View: Improvement for ToExponential[2+2sqrt(3) ί ]
* new command Vertex[ <Segment>, <Index> ]
* improvement for 360°*2/(360°)
* 3D View: much faster to rotate view
* Properties for Views from Planes
* Android, iOS beta release
* CAS View: SolveCubic improvements
* bugfix: shift-drag works again in all Tools
* HTML5: fix for SolveODE[-x*y,(0,2)]
* Chrome App: <code>" "</code> button added to on-screen keyboard
* Desktop: .OFF import
* maximum number of points for Polygon Tool is now 1000
* fix freezing problem with FitLine
* 3D View: Navigation bar working
* missing pooled variances option from Multivariable Data Analysis t-test and t-estimate of difference of means panels
* Chrome App: New Object dialogs for Matrices / Piecewise functions / Parametric Curves
* HTML5: on-screen keyboard can now be used with the CAS View
* Retina-resolution LaTeX in AV/CAS/Spreadsheet
* HTML5: showToolBarHelp:false working
* new API method ggbApplet.setCustomToolbar()
* HTML5: fix for Chinese characters in LaTeX
* Chrome App: fix for File -> Share
* HTML5: new LaTeX renderer
* 3D: Fix for saving "View from Plane"
* CAS View: improvement for Degree[x^2y^3]
* CAS View: Extremum[] implemented
* Chrome App: delete button in Algebra View
* Beta Android / iOS release
* Chrome App: Object Properties fix
* 3D: fix for Sequence of Surfaces
* 3D bugfix
* more accurate Polynomial[ (4.18, 5.2365368),(4.179, 5.2387772661), (4.181, 5.2342938259) ]
*  fix for intersection of two lines when homogeneous z coord is very small
* CAS View: fix for rounding problems with eg FitPoly[]
* Desktop: fix for deleting tools
* CAS View: Angle[pi] syntax added
* Java: fix more problems with ggbApplet
* HTML5: update to correct version on Giac
* PlaySound["#1264825"] to play an .mp3 file from GeoGebra
* fix for Integral[sin(x),cos(x),0,1,false]
* HTML5: Images working in the spreadsheet
* Algebra View: fix for derivative of a function from CAS View
* Chrome App: fix for 'alpha' popup
* conjugate() translatable
* CAS View: fix for Solve[exp(4 x) - 5 exp(2 x) = -6]
* fix for selecting drop-down lists when over polygons
* Java: fix for ggbApplet.reset()
* iOS Beta
* HTML5: fix spreadsheet
* Chrome App: fix for Chi Squared calculator
* 3D View: fix for missing surfaces
* Linux: <code>unset JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS</code> to stop jayatanaag.jar getting loaded (Ubuntu 15)
* iOS beta release
* Windows: fix for pinning GeoGebra to the taskbar
* 3D View: Fix for surfaces
* Android beta release
* Chrome App: fix for typing { } on a German keyboard
* Chrome App: fixes for sin²(x)
* Chrome App: fix for duplicate characters after redefining
* HTML5: PlaySound[74,100,1] working if there's a Midi player available
* CAS View: new syntax: Angle[y = x, y = 2x]
* fix for rotating Arcs/Semicircles in 3D
* Show All Objects working for Lines / Rays
* CAS View: fix for copying text cells as LaTeX
* Chrome App: fix for editing sin²(x)
* Mac OSX: update Giac to same as Windows/Linux/HTML5
* remove arrows, plus from Algebra View
* CAS View: fix for  Solve[-0.15x^2+48x-2000>0], Integral[abs(x),2.7,-2.7], Solve[0.5^(x/570)=0.8], Integral[(sqrt(x-0.5)+1)^2,0.5,b]
* bugfix: captions not saved for inequalities
* Chrome App: fix in XML for saving files
* bugfix for pi as axis unit
* fix for double events in EV2
* Algebra View: fix for Integral[sin(x) / (1 + a² - 2a cos(x)), 0, pi]
* Speed / stability improvement for Integral[f, a, b]
* fix for CellRange on file loading
* encoding fixes (bugs in ProbabilityCalculator)
* fixes for Java Applets
* CAS View: fix for NSolve[x^2=43.6^2+78.4^2-2*43.6*78.4*cos(137.5°)], Integral[sgn(x-5)], SolveODE[y''+y'+ pi y=0], UnitVector, UnitPerpendicularVector
* CAS View: allow Derivative[(sin(t),cos(t)]
* Algebra View: swap double-click and <Shift>double-click actions (for points on paths)
* new fill pattern "Weaving"
* new option in Object Properties > Advanced to set the visibility in "Views from plane"
* alt(point) returns altitude angle for the point
* context menu for 3D point: swap between Cartesian and spherical coordinates
* improved contrast for checkboxes
* Chrome App: nice editing of matrices / piecewise functions
== (not Linux) ==
* Improvement for tangent to eg y=x^(1/3)
* Fix for memory leak
* defaults now in geogebra_defaults2d.xml and geogebra_defaults3d.xml
== (HTML5 only)==
* HTML5: don't load geogebra_defaults.xml (fix for files not loading)
== (not Linux)==
* fix for Locus in Graphics View 2
* HTML5: fix for scrollbar covering Input Bar
* creating text in 3D view background
* creating text in view background shows this text only in this view
== (HTML5 only)==
* PathParameter[] working for 3D points
* Checkboxes and Buttons fixed by default
* defaults for objects saved in .ggb files
* defaults for objects can be loaded through template file
* fix for Sample[{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}, 5, true]
* Radius[conic] returns 0 for single point conic (instead of undefined)
* Delete[B3:C7] deletes cells from B3 to C7
* Buttons and Checkboxes are fixed by default (can still be moved when the tool is selected, or with right-drag)
* CAS View: fix for  SolveODE[y=0,{(0,1),(1,3)}]
* Printing fix for multiple pages
* Coefficients[f] works with more of the fit commands
* HTML5: external copy & paste working in the spreadsheet
* Chrome App: new Algebra View Input bar and on-screen keyboard
* Chrome App: add Animated GIF export
* CAS View: fix for CSolve[3z^2-2a*(k+1)*z+a^2*k=0,z], Derivative[vector]
* Java: fix for 3D View on old GL
* bugfix: Make sure 3D View not initialized in the background
* fix for Korean autocomplete
* HTML5: add missing API calls registerObjectClickListener(), unregisterObjectClickListener(), registerClickListener(), unregisterClickListener()
* Cross[] works in other languages
* <Shift> doesn't need to be pressed in applets for wheel-zoom
* Fix for Integral[(5-x)^2,x,0,5]
* Fix for exporting SVG with LaTeX text
* fix for Angle size in 3D
* fix for text size in applets
* fix for Point Labeling
* CAS View: fix for SolveODE[y' sqrt(y)= (6 x^2) ]
* fix SVG export when x:y is not 1:1
* new buttons in style bar: fix/unfix object ; angle interval  [[http://wiki.geogebra.org/en/Category:Stylingbar images]]
* Chrome App: fix for random numbers in the CAS View
* fix for SetValue[boolean,?]
* hi-res export for 3D View to PNG / Clipboard
* exported SVG size now set in cm
* command-line option exportAnimation now supports animated GIFs, eg
<code>--slider=a --delay=50 --loop=true --dpi=72  --exportAnimation=image.gif myGeoGebraFile.ggb</code>
* fix problem with Play/Pause button on tablets
* fix problem with Input Boxes on tablets
* CAS View: fix for Solve[ℯ^x=3^(2*x)]
* fix for missing language files
* Java: new version of Giac
* new "Fixed Size" option for PNG export
* fix for export of Cumulative Binomial to PSTricks
* Chrome App: can now drag objects from the Algebra View to the Graphics View
* new command-line option exportAnimation, eg
<code>--slider=a --dpi=72  --exportAnimation=image.pdf myGeoGebraFile.ggb</code>
* HTML5: new version of Giac
* Fix for Attach/Detach Tool
* Fix for Length[] in 3D
* revert Algebra View order change
* Fix for on-screen keyboard on OSX
* Fix for Binomial / BinomialDist problem in German in the Spreadsheet
* Algebra View: default order changed to Construction Order
* Chrome App: "Copy Image" working for the 3D View
* More improvements for HiDPI screens
* fix problem with icons in Properties dialog
* CAS View: fix for <code>SolveODE[y' ' + 2y' -3y = exp(2x)]</code>
* HTML5: fix for double-update with files with LaTeX
* Chrome App: fix for tooltips
* fix for "ghost" decorations for segments with length 0
* HTML5: enable ggbApplet.setErrorDialogsActive()
* HTML5: right-drag working in Firefox / IE
* avoid random line for Circumcircular Arc tool preview
* CAS View: improvement for NSolve[BC^2=4^2+3^2-2*4*3*cos(50°)] and SolveODE[] for non-integer conditions
* Export Pgf: problems with inverse trigonometric functions
* Support for parsing |x| as abs(x)
* more icons scaled up for HiDPI screens
* draw list of texts in 3D view
* Corner[-1, 11] command to get 3D view direction / eye position
* move translated objects in 3D view with keyboard
* better selection of texts with background in 3D view
* animate 3D point on path
* tangent to Freehand Functions
* save projection options for 3D view (unless "Gray-scale" and "Omit green channel")
* "Use Lighting" option for 3D view (turns off shadows)
* "Show All Objects" button for 3D view
* Login issue fixed in web app
* Corrected perspective of files opened in web app
* CAS View: fix for Solve[{s*cos(26°)-t=0,s*sin(26°)-3=0},{s,t}]
* CAS View: add support for Polynomial[(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 6)]
* PS Tricks export: fix for \begin{pspicture*}(<corner1>)(<corner3>) instead of \begin{pspicture*}(4.0 <corner1>)(4.0 <corner3>)
* enable Tamil & Sinhala
* Separate visibility setting for 3D View
* more improvements for Surface[]
* large toolbar icons on startup (for large fontsize)
* fix for Sequence[y=
* Improvements for rendering surfaces (normals)
* StartRecord[ ] and StartRecord[ <Boolean> ] commands
* CAS View: improved output for SolveODE[y<nowiki>''</nowiki>+5y'+6y=0], fix for Solve[{a=(1)/((b)+(1)), (1)/(a)=(-(b))+(1)},{a, b}]
* Chrome App: compile with GWT 2.7
* Surfaces: ignore old "Level of Detail" setting
* CAS View: fix for Limit[(tan(x)-x)/x^3,x=∞]
* Chrome App: Create Tool and Manage Tool dialogs enabled
* new drawing code for Surfaces with options Quality / Speed
* fix for g: X = (-5, 5, 2) + t (4, -3, -2) syntax
* fix for f(x)=x^(1/3)
* allow InflectionPoint[If[
* CAS View: fix for Solve[{c a^3=843/10, c a^4=126},{a,c}] and Substitute[2 / (27*k²), k=1/(3*x)]
* make sure outlines with width 0 not drawn for IntegralBetween[ ]
* bugfix for Tools in "View from Plane"
* fix for exporting π to Asymptote / PSTricks and $\mathscr{C}$
* fix for $\mathscr{C}$ as caption in Asymptote export
* AttachCopyToView[] working in Scripts
* PGF Export: axes with Pi, degree etc, fix for filled Curves / Splines
* PSTricks, Asymptote export: fix for filled Curves / Splines
* Chrome App: more Probability Calculator fixes
* CAS View: fix for nroot(ℯ,10)
* Allow one-character filenames when saving to GeoGebra
* Fix for PolyLine Tool dialog
* Ctrl-Shift-U to open Graphic Export dialog
* Chrome App: symbol popup working in CAS
* fix for PDF export (unbalanced q/Q operators)
* small fix for Probability Calculator toolbar
* fix for window size on loading a file
* Chrome App: fix for entering eg 3.02 in Probability Calculator
* CAS View: more Vector improvements
* fix for saving font size
* fix Intersect[curve, y=k x+0]
* Probability Calculator should show just the Move Tool
* CAS View: fix for Flatten[{2, 3, {5, 1}, {{2, 1, {3}}}}]
* fix display of 3D vectors in A(x|y|z) mode
* fix opening file with empty toolbar string
* fix for Function[Derivative in old files
* fix for Spline[] in 3D
* fix for File -> Insert
* more improvements for Copy & Paste in 3D
* Chrome App: fix for display of complex numbers in the Algebra View
* HTML5: fix for clicking with no Toolbar
* CAS View: fix problem with c_1 changing to c_2
* <Ctrl><Shift>P toggles the Probability View
* make sure the Style Bar doesn't change the Probability Calculator
* allow Root[] and Extremum[] for eg  If[0  <  x  <  10,3x³ - 48x² + 162x + 300]
* Web App: Text Tool fixed in Firefox
* Chrome App: fix Bold/Italic buttons in Text Tool
* CAS View: Vectors fully working
* 3D View: point move direction depends on tool selected
* 3D View: preview for pyramid and prism Tools
* HTML5: fonts updated for 3D view
* Copy & Paste working with Tools and some 3D objects
* 3D View: File -> Open -> Insert File working
* fix for right-click in the Graphics View
* fix for <Ctrl>G when a polygon selected
* Angle[(1,2),(3,4)] as shortcut for Angle[Vector[(1,2)],Vector[(3,4)]]
* Chrome App: fix problems with inserting image from WebCam
* fix for vertical toolbar
* larger Toolbar icons when fontsize increased
* CAS View: fix for Derivative[1]
* Open Object Properties -> make sure all selected objects stay selected
== (iOS App)==
* support for c == f for Line, Function
* fix Help for Custom Tools
* Mac OS: interpret <Alt>0 (zero) as degree symbol
* fix problem with Relative Copy with Condition to Show Object etc
* more improvements for exporting psTricks / pgf / Asymptote
* new Android App
* fix for Turtle position on file load
* CAS View: fix for getting eg 4.35372862870553E8 from Algebra View
* Chrome App: make sure Selection Rectangle works when toolbar is showing
* fix for f == g (for multi-variable functions) and for Intersect[curve, curve]
* fix for Triangular[0, 50, 25, x, false]
* new version of Giac with fix for Integral[((x-2)(x-3))^2,2,3]
* new command Polar[ <Line>, <Conic> ] to find the Pole of a Line
* allow transparent SVG export
* fix problem with Relative Copy of If[0  <  A1  <  5, 0, 100]
* allow Translate[B, (1, 2, 3)] as shortcut for Translate[B, Vector[(1, 2, 3)]]
* SetValue[list, number] to change the selected index (for drop-down list)
* CAS View: new version of Giac with bugfixes including Join[{{{1}}}] and round(3.1+3.7ί )
* fix for CAS command in webSimple
* CAS View: fix for a/(1E8)²
* CAS View: fix for Dot[(-5+k,-5+k), (3,9)] and improvement for mixing 2D/3D points
* new commands TurtleUp[ <Turtle> ] and TurtleDown[ <Turtle> ]
* fix for angles appearing in Graphics View 2
* floor/ceil/round() for complex numbers / points / vectors
* new version of Giac with fixes for (1,1/sqrt(3)) and floor/ceil/round() for complex numbers
* round(pi,2) syntax added (CAS View and Input Bar)
* floor/ceiling/round working for complex numbers (CAS View and Input Bar)
* fix for Sequence[LowerSum[x², i, i + 1, 1], i, 1, 5]
* fix for Sum[Sum[x+2y, x, 1, 3], y, 2, 4]
* 3D View: fix for picking points rather than eg lines for dragging
* various PGF/TikZ export improvements
* Chrome App: fix for Toolbar Help
* fix for problem on tablets when applets are rescaled
* CopyFreeObject[] working for Rays, Segments
* improvement for checking equality of polynomial functions
* fix for drop-down lists (Chrome, Firefox)
* CAS View: make sure Distance[(1,2),3] gives an error
* ToBase[0.25,2] working
* new version of Giac with fix for NSolve[(If[3  <  x  <  4,x])=3.5,x=3.4]
* fix for (1,Iteration[x +1, 0, 2])
* fix for Sequence[If[t < tges + n d / v1, ... if t already defined
* make sure undefined lines work better with Input Boxes (y = ? not ?x + ?)
* make sure point can't be dragged to undefined region for eg If[3 <= x <= 5, x^2]
* correct object selected when Object Properties opened
* fix for Sequence[CircumcircularArc[(0, 1, 0), (cos(t), 0, 0), (0, -1, 0)], t, 0, pi/2, pi/18]
* CAS View: better support for planes
* CAS View: fix for NSolve[{3=c*a^5, 3=c*a^4},{a,c}]
* new version of Giac, including support for Tangent[(2,5),Ellipse[(1, 1),(3, 2),(2, 3)]], fix for Distance[(0,2),y=x^2]
* support for pasting (most) numbers with decimal separator into the spreadsheet
* easier piecewise syntax, eg f(x)=sin(x), 0<=x<=2pi
* If[] working for multivariate conditions eg f(x,y) = If[x>y,x,y]
* Chrome App: better support for pasting into the spreadsheet, eg 1,234,567
* bugfix for Angle slider's label appearing in the 3D View
* Turtle: image can be changed
* fix for RandomBetween[5.5, 5.5]
* Derivative[ <Curve> ], Tangent[ <Point>, <Curve> ] and ApplyMatrix[] working in 3D
* fix for CurvatureVector in 3D
* new commands SetPointSize[ <Polygon>, <Number> ], SetPointSize[ <Net>, <Number> ] and  SetPointSize[ <Polyhedron>, <Number> ]
* new commands Cube[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point> ], Tetrahedron[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point> ], Octahedron[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point> ], Icosahedron[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point> ], Dodecahedron[ <Point>, <Point>, <Point> ]
* fix axis problem in TikZ output
* CAS View: Partial support for Vectors
* Chrome App: Customize Toolbar enabled again
* fix for right angle style in 3D
== (Android Beta)==
* fix problem with right-angle style (when 3D View showing)
* new command SetSpinSpeed[ <Number> ]
* Distance[ <Point>, <Plane> ]
* 3D Curves displayed nicely in the Algebra View
* HTML5: 3D View working on old (2011) Chromebooks
* HTML5: fix problem with UpdateConstruction[] in webSimple
* CurvatureVector[Point, 3D curve]
* fix for uploading to GeoGebra when 3D preview image fails
* f(t) for 3D Parametric Curves
* Curvature[A, f(x,y)]
* CAS View: fix for HyperGeometric[10, 2, 2, 1, true]
* Right-angle styles working in 3D
* CAS View: fix for Solve[x² - 1]
* Chrome App: Customize Toolbar working
* fix problem with deleting objects in the spreadsheet
* add ggbApplet.setTextValue(geo, text) and ggbApplet.remove()
* CAS View: enable SolveCubic command
* support TrigCombine[(tan(x) + tan(2x)) / (1 - tan(x) tan(2x))]
* new version of Giac (including fix for SolveODE[y=1/x^2])
* SetValue[a, ?] to set an object to be undefined
* More accurate answer from Root[f, a, b]
* fix for x = (0.005*3)^(1/3), xx + yy=1
* HTML5: CSS naming improved
* Chrome App: Multiple-variable Analysis Tool working
* CAS: fix for Tangent[-3, x^2]
* CAS: small improvements for Iteration, IterationList, UnitVector, AngleBisector
* bugfix for Splines
* HTML5: Input Box sizes adjusted
* HTML5: speedups for 3D View
* Chrome App: fix problem with Rotate Tool
* new command ClosestPointRegion[ <Region, Point> ]
* fix for Integral[4^(1/x)]
* Chrome App: dialogs for 3D tools
* Chrome App: Checkbox Tool added
* bugfixes
* HTML5: 3D optimizations
* HTML5: new version of Giac (as for
* Java: new version of Giac: fix for Limit[(3^x+5^x)^(1/x),∞]
* better fix for OSX caret problem
* fix for If[B>1, If[0<k<10, k/2], If[0<k<10, 5-k/2] ]
* OSX: fix for saving after File -> New
* workaround for OSX caret problem (set all textfields to bold!)
* fix for Integral[x^(1/n)] freezing when n=0
* HTML5: fix for applets with CAS View
* Laplace[sin(t)] gives 1 / (s² + 1) and InverseLaplace[1 / (s² + 1)] gives sin(t)
* new version of Giac: fix for (a<b)+c
* fix for Integral[x^-1]
* fix for nPr for large numbers
* add Laplace[ <Function>, <Variable>, <Variable> ] and InverseLaplace[ <Function>, <Variable>, <Variable> ]
* Chrome App: error shown correctly in Rotate Tool dialog
* fix for Angle[Ray, Ray] when it's 180°
* fix for check if file is 2D/3D
* fix for intersection of Quadric / Plane
* new version of Giac: improvement for Solve[10^x+10^-x=4]
* fix for http://www.geogebra.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=36914
* CAS View: fix for problem with Binomial (in German)
* fix for visibility of eg Integral[sin(x),cos(x),1,2]
* fix for tangents at ends of parametric curves
* fix for files saved with no tools
* Function[sin(x),1,2] will be a synonym for If[1<=x<=2, sin(x)]
* CAS View: Function[sin(x),0,2 pi] added
* CAS View: fix for Solve Tool (2 equations)
* fix for net of pyramid/prism
* fix for axis labeling for large numbers when step is eg 0.1
* You can now set the default angle range e.g. to 0° - 180°
* improve Numeric[y = exp(-11 x / 100)]
* Locus[] fixes
* fixes for transformed cylinder / cone
* snap to grid for extrusion tools
* CAS View: fix for Sum[Sum[x+2y, x, 1, 3], y, 2, 4]
* CAS View: improved output for Length[(a,1)]
* small fix for RotatedText
* SVG images
* improvements to Attach / Detach Tool in 3D
* Fix for g:X=(0,4,0)+λ(12,16,15) with g=Line[(0,4,-5), Vector[(12, 16, 15)]]
* Improved axis scaling when the origin is offscreen
* bugfixes
* bugfixes
* add Pan[x, y, z]
* page up/down keys translate 3D view along z axis
* fix for SetActiveView[-1] for 3D View
* SetActiveView[...] works with "G", "T", etc., like SetPerspective command (http://wiki.geogebra.org/en/SetPerspective_Command)

Latest revision as of 10:24, 11 April 2024

© 2024 International GeoGebra Institute