Cauchy Command

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Cauchy[ <Median m>, <Scale s>, x ]
Creates probability density function (pdf) of Cauchy distribution.
Cauchy[ <Median m>, <Scale s>, x, <Boolean Cumulative>]
If Cumulative is true, creates cumulative distribution function of Cauchy distribution, otherwise creates pdf of Cauchy distribution.
Cauchy[ <Median m>, <Scale s>, <Variable Value v> ]
Calculates the value of cumulative distribution function of Cauchy distribution at v, i.e. the probability P(X≤v) where X is a random variable with Cauchy given by parameters m, s.
Note: Returns the probability for a given x-coordinate's value (or area under the Cauchy distribution curve to the left of the given x-coordinate).

CAS Syntax

In CAS View only following syntax is supported:

Cauchy[ <Median m>, <Scale s>, <Variable Value v> ]
Calculates the value of cumulative distribution function of Cauchy distribution at v, i.e. the probability P(X≤v) where X is a random variable with Cauchy given by parameters m, s.
Cauchy[1, 2, 3] yields \frac{3}{4}.
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