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Here is a quick guide an how to get a GeoGebra Institute Website similar to the [http://www.geogebra.org/institutes/es/ GeoGebra Institues in Spain] or the [http://www.geogebra.org/institutes/at Austrian GeoGebra Institute].
#REDIRECT[[GeoGebra Institute:Blogs]]
=== Creating a blog site ===
Get in touch with [mailto:webmaster@geogebra.org our blog administrator] and ask for a "GeoGebra Institute website". Please provide the language and the name of the site (e.g. "Spanish GeoGebra Institutes" for an umbrella site of all institutes in Spain). You will get an administrator login and password in a response email.
=== Additional changes required by you ===
In order to have a unified menu structure for the blogs of all GeoGebra institutes, please follow these steps to create the skeleton of your website. You have to log in with the administrator login at http://www.geogebra.org/institutes/es/wp-admin (change "es" to your language code) and then:
# Go to the '''Contact''' menu, edit '''Contact Form 1''', change the English texts to translated ones.
# In the '''Pages''' menu, create the following pages in your language: ''Dates'', ''Training'' and ''Team''. Delete the ''Sample Page''.
# Delete the ''Hello world'' post in '''Posts''' menu.
# Insert text ''[contact-form-7 id="4" title="Contact form 1"]'' to your ''Team'' page. You may want to follow the way as it is done on [http://www.geogebra.org/institutes/at/?page_id=27 the Austrian Team page]: just copy-paste a table from another web page or Word document. Your friend is the ''Show/Hide Kitchen Sink icon''.
# Insert text ''[google-calendar-events id="1" type="list-grouped"]'' to your Dates page.
# Go to '''Menus''', create the ''Main Menu'' entry, then add a custom link with your main URL (''http://www.geogebra.org/institutes/es'', here change "es" to your country code) to the main menu by using the name ''News''. Add also the pages ''Dates'', ''Training'' and ''Team'' to the main menu. You can drag the menu entries to get the correct order (''News'' first, then ''Dates'', and so on). Finally put ''Main Menu'' into the ''Primary Navigation''. Save your settings everywhere on this setup page.
# Go to Maps Marker and create a layer named "GeoGebra Institutes" and/or ''GeoGebra Trainers'' for example. Now you can add markers for your institutes resp. trainers by using this layer.
# Set up your Google Calendar Events at '''Plugins'''.
# Now you can also create your first post at '''Posts'''.
# You may also want to make your new blog visible on the frontpage of www.geogebra.org in the "Community" news item at the right: just add a link to your [http://wiki.geogebra.org/en/Translation_Website translation] of this article in Joomla
=== Changing the logo and the language ===
You may want to change the look of your Wordpress site: Edit the header.php under '''Appearance''' -> '''Editor'''. You have to change the Homepage-URL and the Header-Picture format: png, exactly 500x83px):
<a href="http://www.geogebra.org/institutes/es">
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-473" title="geogebra-logo-name-header"
alt=""  /></a>
=== Contact ===
For any questions please write to webmaster@geogebra.org.

Latest revision as of 18:50, 29 October 2014

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