
Fra GeoGebra Manual
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Grunnleggende inntasting

  • Enter: Beregn inntastet uttrykk
  • Ctrl + Enter: Sjekk inntastet uttykk uten å beregne uttrykket. For eksempel vil b + b forbli b + b. Merk at tilordninger alltid blir beregnet. For eksempel a := 5
  • In an empty row type
    • Space bar for previous output
    • ) for previous output in parentheses
    • = for previous input
  • Suppress output with a semicolon at the end of your input, e.g. a := 5;


  • Clicking a button in the toolbar applies a command to the currently edited row
  • You can select part of the input text to only apply the operation to this selected part


Tilordninger og sammenheng med GeoGebra

  • Assignments use the := notation, e.g. b := 5, a(n) := 2n + 3
  • To free up a variable name again, use Delete[b] or b :=
  • Variables and functions are always shared between the CAS view and GeoGebra if possible. If you define b:=5 in the CAS view, then you can use b in all of GeoGebra. If you have a function f(x)=x^2 in GeoGebra, you can also use this function in the CAS view.
The output will always be just the expression after the :=, e.g. if you type b:=5 the output will be 5.


You can refer to other rows in the CAS view in two ways

  • Static row references insert text from another row, so your input is changed.
    • # inserts the previous output
    • #5 inserts the output of row 5
  • Dynamic row references use text from another row, but don't change your input.
    • $ inserts the previous output
    • $5 inserts the output of row 5


  • Equations are written using the simple Equals sign, e.g. 3x + 5 = 7
  • You can perform arithmetic operations on equations, e.g. (3x + 5 = 7) - 5 subtracts 5 from both sides of the equation. This is useful for manual equation solving.
  • LeftSide[3x + 5 = 7] returns 3 x + 5 and RightSide[3x + 5 = 7] returns 7

Kommandoer og verktøy

Se CAS-kommandoer og CAS-verktøy for en komplett liste over kommandoer og verktøy.


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