A GeoGebraBook szerkesztő

Innen: GeoGebra Manual
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Gabriela Ferenczy (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2015. október 23., 13:10-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.
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Mi a GeoGebraBook

A GeoGebraBook is a collection of GeoGebra-based materials and worksheets. It allows you to organize your own GeoGebra Applets and / or your favorite materials from GeoGebra into dynamic, interactive online-textbooks for learning and teaching at all levels of education (e.g. Geometry Quickstart).

Our online GeoGebraBook Editor allows you to easily create a GeoGebraBook. Just go to www.geogebra.org, sign in to your GeoGebra Account, and click on New GeoGebraBook in order to get started.

Új GeoGebraBook létrehozása

Első lépés: A GeoGebraBook szerkesztő megnyitása

  1. Go to the main page of GeoGebra (section My GeoGebraBooks) OR to your GeoGebra Profile Page (tab GeoGebraBooks).
  2. Click on New GeoGebraBook in order to start creating a GeoGebraBook.

Második lépés: Metaadatok kitöltése

The page New GeoGebraBook of the GeoGebraBook Editor allows you to input some basic information and metadata about your GeoGebraBook.

Jegyzet: The metadata will help other users of the GeoGebra Community to search for your materials and thus, benefit from your effort and expertise.
  1. Title: Fill in the Title of your GeoGebraBook.
  2. Language: Specify the main Language of your GeoGebraBook in order to help other users from the international GeoGebra Community to locate materials in their preferred language.
  3. Description: Add an optional Description for your GeoGebraBook, which will make it easier for other users to decide whether this material is what they were looking for on GeoGebra.
  4. Target Group (Age): Specify the age of the user Target Group intended to work with this GeoGebraBook.
  5. Tags: Add Tags (key words) which allow other users to find your GeoGebraBook on GeoGebra
  6. Visibility: Decide about the Visibility of your GeoGebraBook and specify, which users will be able to access your GeoGebraBook on GeoGebra. You may choose between the following options:
    • Public: Other users can find and view this GeoGebraBook on GeoGebra.
    • Shared with Link: Only users who have the direct link to your GeoGebraBook can view it. Please note that it won't appear in the search results of other users.
    • Private: Other users cannot view your GeoGebraBook, which won't appear in their search results either.

When you are done entering this information about your new GeoGebraBook, just click Save and start adding content.

Jegyzet: By creating a GeoGebraBook you agree to publish your work under the Creative Commons: Attribution Share Alike license.

Harmadik lépés: Tartalom hozzáadása a GeoGebraBook-hoz

After saving your metadata, the page Edit GeoGebraBook opens automatically. You can now add chapters and / or materials to your GeoGebraBook (tab Content).

Add Chapter
Set up the main structure of your GeoGebraBook by creating different chapters (optional). If you click on Add Chapter, you can choose between the following options:

  • New Chapter: You can specify a Name and enter an optional Description for the chapter in the appearing dialog window. Click Save when you are done.
  • Existing Chapter: You may either copy a chapter of one of your own GeoGebraBooks or search for a GeoGebraBook of another user to import one of its chapters into your new GeoGebraBook.
  1. In the appearing dialog window, search for the GeoGebraBook you want to copy a chapter from.
  2. Once you found the desired GeoGebraBook, click on Import in order to display its chapter overview.
  3. Select the chapter you want to copy.
  4. Click on Import in order to add this entire chapter to your new GeoGebraBook.
  • All chapters you add to your GeoGebraBook are displayed in the Chapters overview.
  • You can edit the name and / or description of the chapter at any time by clicking on the Menu-edit.svg Edit icon next to the chapter's current name.
  • You can change the order of chapters by using drag and drop.
  • You can delete a chapter from your GeoGebrBook by clicking on the Icon-Delete.png Delete icon next to the chapter's name.

Add Material
You can now add materials from GeoGebra to your GeoGebraBook. Please select the chapter you want to add your material to (optional) and click on Add Material in order to be able to choose between the following options:

  • New Worksheet: Create a new "Dynamic Worksheet" using the online Worksheet Editor. You may add Text, GeoGebra Applets, Videos and Images to your Dynamic Worksheet and enter metadata in the Worksheet Settings.
    Jegyzet: Your worksheet will now appear in the Worksheets overview. You can edit the name and / or description of the worksheet at any time by clicking on the Menu-edit.svg Edit icon next to the worksheet's current name.
  • Existing Worksheet: Search for your own or other public materials on GeoGebra. Decide which material you would like to add to your GeoGebraBook and click on Add Material to the right of the material’s name.
  • All materials you add to a chapter are displayed in the Worksheets overview for the selected chapter.
  • You can edit a worksheet from your GeoGebraBook at any time by clicking on the Menu-edit.svg Edit icon next to its name.
  • You can change the order of worksheets within a chapter, as well as move worksheets to a different chapter by using drag and drop.
  • You can delete a worksheet from your GeoGebraBook at any time by clicking on the Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete icon next to the material's name.

View GeoGebraBook
You may preview your GeoGebraBook in a new tab of your browser.

Hozzáférés és szerkesztés

You may access a list of all your GeoGebraBooks in two ways:

  • My GeoGebraBooks on the main page of GeoGebra: Log in to your GeoGebra Account in order to find a complete list of your GeoGebraBooks on the main page of GeoGebra.
  • My Profile: Open your profile page in order to see a complete list of your GeoGebraBooks.
Jegyzet: You can also search for GeoGebraBooks of other users and copy them in order to create derivative work.

After selecting a GeoGebraBook, you get to its overview page providing the following options:

View GeoGebraBook
You may preview a GeoGebraBook in a new tab of your browser.

Menu-edit.svg Edit
Leads to the page Edit GeoGebraBook allowing you to make changes to the GeoGebraBook.

  • Change the content and structure of your GeoGebraBook on tab Content
  • Change the metadata of your GeoGebraBook on tab Title Page (e.g., title, language, description, target group, visibility status)
  • Upload a new Title Image for your GeoGebraBook on tab Title Page (optional)

Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete
Delete your GeoGebraBook.

Menu-edit-copy.svg Make a Copy
Make a copy of your GeoGebraBook in order to reuse its structure and / or content in another GeoGebraBook.


Download your GeoGebraBook to your computer as a .zip file in order to use it offline.

Jegyzet: You need to agree to the terms of GeoGebra's non-commercial license in order to download your GeoGebraBook.

Allows you to manage the access other users have to your GeoGebraBook by changing the visibility status of your GeoGebraBook (Public, Shared with Link, or Private) and by directly sharing it with other users.

© 2024 International GeoGebra Institute