TableText Command

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TableText[List 1, List 2, List 3,...]
Creates a text that contains a table of the list objects.
Note: By default, each list is displayed in its own row of the table.
  • TableText[{x^2, 4}, {x^3, 8}, {x^4, 16}] creates a table as a text object with three rows and two columns. All items of the table are left aligned.
  • TableText[Sequence[i^2, i, 1, 10]] creates a table as a text object with one row. All items of the table are left aligned.

TableText[List 1, List 2, List 3,..., "Alignment of text"]
Creates a text that contains a table of the list objects. The optional text “Alignment of text” controls the orientation and alignment of the table text.
Note: Possible values are "vl", "vc", "vr", "v", "h", "hl", "hc", "hr". Default is "hl".
  • "v" = vertical, i. e. lists are columns
  • "h" = horizontal, i. e. lists are rows
  • "l" = left aligned
  • "r" = right aligned
  • "c" = centered
  • TableText[{1,2,3,4},{1,4,9,16},"v"] creates a text with two columns and four rows whose elements are left aligned.
  • TableText[{1,2,3,4},{1,4,9,16},"h"] creates a text with two rows and four columns whose elements are left aligned.
  • TableText[{11.2,123.1,32423.9,"234.0"},"vr"] creates a text with one column whose elements are right aligned.

It's now possible to insert:

  • different types of brackets, using the following symbols ||||, ||, {}, [] or ()
  • line separators, using the symbol _
  • column separators, using the symbol |
  • TableText[{1,2},{3,4},"c()"] creates the text \begin{pmatrix}{} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \\ \end{pmatrix}
  • TableText[{1,2},{3,4},"c|_"] creates the text TabellaTesto.png
  • TableText[{1,2},{3,4},"||"] creates the text \begin{vmatrix}{} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \\ \end{vmatrix}
  • TableText[{1,2},{3,4},"||||"] creates the text \begin{Vmatrix}{} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \\ \end{Vmatrix}
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