SurdText Command

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SurdText[ <Number> ]
Creates text representation of the number in the form \frac{a+\sqrt{b}}{c} or as a multiple of \pi
Example: SurdText[2.414213562373095] creates \sqrt{2} + 1
Example: SurdText[4.71238898038469] creates \frac{3 \pi}{2}
SurdText[ <Number>, <List> ]
Creates text representation of the number as multiples of the constants in the list. If the list is empty it uses a list of common constants.
Example: SurdText[3.718281828459045, {exp(1)}] creates e + 1
Example: SurdText[5.382332347441762, {sqrt(2), sqrt(3), sqrt(5)}] creates \sqrt{2} + \sqrt{3} + \sqrt{5}
Example: SurdText[1.693147180559945, {}] creates 1 + \ln{2}
SurdText[ <Point> ]
Creates text representation of the point, where coordinates are in the form \frac{a+\sqrt{b}}{c}.
Note: Because this command works with a rounded decimal number as the input, sometimes the result will be unexpected. For example SurdText[163/ln(163)].
Note: If a suitable answer can't be found, the number will be returned. For example SurdText[1.23456789012345].
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