ResidualPlot Command

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ResidualPlot[ <List of Points>, <Function> ]
Returns a list of points whose x-coordinates are equal to x-coordinates of elements of L and y-coordinates are residuals with respect to f.
If i-th element of L is a point (a,b) then i-th element of result is (a,b-f(a)).
Let list = {(-1, 1), (-0.51, 2), (0, 0.61), (0.51, -1.41), (0.54, 1.97), (1.11, 0.42), (1.21, 2.53), (-0.8, -0.12)} be the list of points and f(x) = x^5 + x^4 - x - 1 the function. Command ResidualPlot[ Liste, f ] yields the list list1 = {(-1, 1), (-0.51, 2.46), (0, 1.61), (0.51, 0), (0.54, 3.38), (1.11, -0.66), (1.21, 0), (-0.8, 0)} and the corresponding points in the Graphics-view.
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