GeoGebra Institute:2011 Annual Report GI Cantabria

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The InstitutoGeoGebra de Cantabria (IGC) was founded in May, 2009. It is associated to the Centro Internacional de EncuentrosMatemáticos (CIEM) of the Universidad de Cantabria ( ).

Two characteristics of this Institute are

- the plural origin of its members (from different regions within Spain and from several different countries) - the special relation of its staff to some important, nationwide, projects and courses related to GeoGebra (see and, as a sample page, )

In fact, in May 2010, a cooperation agreement has been signed between the IGC and the Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE), (, of the Spanish Ministry of Education


• Three new members along year 2011.

• Issuing along this year the following certificates:

Users: 4 certifications

• Remarkable: Prof. Manuel Sada, new GeoGebra Institute Trainer, since March 14, 2011.

Training and Support

• Setting up a moddle platform (Spring 2011)

Responsible persons: Rafael Losada, <> Julio Valbuena, <> Rubén Suárez, <>


Different members of the IGC have been involved at the following courses during 2011:

• R. Losada et. al. Cooperation with the Geogebra Virtual Courses (CVG) offered by the Instituto de TecnologíasEducativas (ITE), of the Spanish Ministry of Education. Number of teachers (from Spain and South-America) following these courses along this year (the first number refers to those that passed the course): 100 / 160 - GeoGebra en la Educación Primaria 600 / 775 - GeoGebra en la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas (Secundaria). Iniciación 150 / 180 - GeoGebra en la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas (Secundaria). Profundización 10 / 20 - GeoGebra en la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas. Experimentación en el aula

Moreover, all the materials of these courses have been up dated to GeoGebra 4 (including CAS), see: Primaria: Secundaria:

• M. Sada. Participating at the virtual in-service training course (50 hours) for members of the Society of Math Education at the Extermadura Region, organized by the Consejería de Educación of Extremadura: “Utilización didáctica del software de geometría dinámica GeoGebra bajo Linex en el aula de matemáticas”.

• M. Sada. Developing and launching a Lab: "Experimentando las TIC (el Proyecto Gauss) en el aula (de ordenadores)" for teachers at the Navarra region:

• M. J. González- López. As part of the cooperation agreement Universidad de Cantabria/Universite de Niamey (Niger), the following course has been developed:“COURS D' INITIATION A GEOGEBRA, UN LOGICIEL EDUCATIF LIBRE POUR L'ENSEIGNEMENT DES MATHEMATIQUES”, March 2011. Niamey. See

Development and Sharing

Research and Collaboration



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