Der Editor für Dynamische Arbeitsblätter

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Was ist ein Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt?

Ein Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt ist ein interaktives (online) Arbeitsblatt, dass unterschiedliche Dinge (z.B. Text, GeoGebra Applets, Videos, Bilder) in einem flexiblen Layout (z.B. Arbeitsblatt Konstruktion eines Quadrats).

Unser Online Editor für Arbeitsblätter ermöglicht es Ihnen einfachDynamische Arbeitsblätter online zu erstellen. Besuchen Sie, melden Sie sich mit Ihrem GeoGebra Account an und wählen Sie Neues Arbeitsblatt aus.

Anmerkung: Sie können auch ein neues Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt erstellen, während Sie ein GeoGebraBook im GeoGebraBook Editor machen.

Erstellen eines Dynamischen Arbeitsblattes online

Schritt 1: GeoGebras Editor für Arbeitsblätter öffnen

  1. Besuchen Sie die Hauptseite von GeoGebra (Abschnitt Meine Materialien) ODER Ihre GeoGebra Profil-Seite (Tab Arbeitsblätter).
  2. Wählen Sie Neues Arbeitsblatt aus um mit dem Erstellen eines Dynamischen Arbeitsblattes zu beginnen.

Schritt 2: Den Inhalt für Ihr Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt erstellen

  1. Geben Sie einen Titel für Ihr Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt ein.
  2. Wählen Sie ein Arbeitsblatt-Element (z.B. Text, GeoGebra Applet) aus der angezeigten Liste aus um es zu Ihrem Dynamischen Arbeitsblatt hinzuzufügen.
  3. Wählen Sie Element hinzufügen aus und fügen Sie zusätzliche Elemente ein.
  4. Speichern Sie Ihr Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt, indem Sie die Schaltfläche Speichern am unteren Ende des Dynamischen Arbeitsblatts verwenden.
  5. Wählen Sie Vorschau aus um festzustellen wie Ihr Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt für Ihre SchülerInnen aussehen wird.
    Anmerkung: Sie müssen Ihre Änderungen speichern um sie in der Vorschau sehen zu können.
  6. Wenn Ihr Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt fertig ist, wählen Sie Speichern & Schließen aus um Ihre Arbeit zu speichern und den Editor für Dynamische Arbeitsblätter zu schließen.

Schritt 3: Metadaten eingeben

Sie können einige Metadaten und grundlegende Informationen in den Arbeitsblatt-Einstellungen am unteren Ende Ihres Dynamischen Arbeitsblatts eingeben:

  • Titelbild: Sie können das Standardbild (welches automatisch aus dem Inhalt Ihres Arbeitsblatts erstellt wird) ändern, indem Sie Bild ändern auswählen. Dies ermöglicht es Ihnen ein eigenes Titelbild für Ihr Arbeitsblatt hochzuladen.
  • Kurze Zusammenfassung: Fügen Sie Ihrem Dynamischen Arbeitsblatt eine Kurze Zusammenfassung hinzu, welche es anderen Usern erleichtert zu entscheiden, ob dieses Material dem entspricht, nach dem Sie auf GeoGebra gesucht haben.
  • Zielgruppe (Alter): Legen Sie das Alter der Zielgruppe fest, die mit Ihrem GeoGebraBook arbeiten soll.
  • Tags: Fügen Sie Tags (Schlagwörter) hinzu, die es anderen Usern einfacher machen, Ihr GeoGebraBook auf GeoGebra zu finden.
  • Sprache: Legen Sie die Hauptsprache des GeoGebraBooks fest um anderen Usern der internationalen GeoGebra-Gemeinschaft zu helfen Materialien in ihrer bevorzugten Sprache zu finden.
  • Sichtbarkeit: Entscheiden Sie über die Sichtbarkeit Ihres Dynamischen Arbeitsblattes und legen Sie fest, welche User Zugriff auf Ihr Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt auf GeoGebra haben. Folgende Optionen stehen zur Auswahl:
    • Öffentlich: Andere User können dieses Dynamische Arbeitsblatt finden und es sich ansehen.
    • Mit Link teilen: Nur User, die über den direkten Link zu Ihrem Dynamischen Arbeitsblatt verfügen, können es sich ansehen. Beachten Sie, dass es nicht in den Suchergebnissen anderer User aufgelistet wird.
    • Privat: Andere User können sich Ihr Dynamisches Arbeitsblatt nicht ansehen und es wird auch nicht in ihren Suchergebnissen aufgelistet.

Wählen Sie Speichern am unteren Ende Ihres Arbeitsblatts aus um die Arbeitsblatt-Einstellungen zu speichern.

Available Worksheet Elements


Click on the button Insert Element and select Button-Text.png from the list of available Worksheet Elements.
How to Insert Text

  1. Fill in a Heading for this text (e.g., Description, Instructions, Task).
  2. Enter the text you want to insert into your Dynamic Worksheet.
  3. Enhance your text using the following options:
    • A: Format your text (e.g., change font style and size, alignment, create lists)
    • MATH: Insert mathematical formulas, which may include mathematical symbols (e.g., Greek letters, operators, arrows).
    • ICONS: Insert GeoGebra icons.
  4. Click Done in order to finish working on your text. Then, click Save at the bottom of your Dynamic Worksheet to save your changes.

How to Edit a Text
If you move your mouse over an inserted text, the editing options appear. Just select one of them options by clicking on the corresponding icon.

  • Add-Information.png Add Information: Enter some additional explanation for your students, which might help them while working on the Dynamic Worksheet.
  • Menu-edit.svg Edit: Edit the heading or make changes in the text.
  • Menu-edit-copy.svg Copy: Copy the Text Element if you want to reuse (part of) it on the same Dynamic Worksheet.
  • Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete: Delete the text from your Dynamic Worksheet.

Click Done in order to close the Text Element. Then, click Save at the bottom of your Dynamic Worksheet to save your changes.


Click on the button Insert Element and select Button-GeoGebra-Applet.png from the list of available Worksheet Elements.

How to Insert an Applet

  1. Select or create the Applet you would like to insert into your worksheet by choosing one of the following options:
    • Applet Search: Use the search field in order to search for already existing GeoGebra Applets of other users or select one of your own Applets from the provided list.
    • Upload Applet: Choose a GeoGebra file (.ggb) from your computer, which you would like to upload to your GeoGebra Account and use for your Dynamic Worksheet.
      Anmerkung: By uploading a material you agree to publish your work under the Creative Commons: Attribution Share Alike license.
    • Create Applet: You may create a new GeoGebra Applet using the appearing GeoGebra Web App.
  2. Click Done in order to save your Applet and insert it into an Applet Element on your Dynamic Worksheet.
    Anmerkung: You will be able to edit an inserted Applet later on.
  3. Enter a Heading for the Applet.
  4. Change the Advanced Settings for your Applet.
  5. Click Done in order to close the Applet Element. Then, click Save at the bottom of your Dynamic Worksheet to save your Applet.

How to Edit an Applet
If you move your mouse over an inserted Applet, the editing options appear. Just select one of them by clicking on the corresponding icon.

  • Add-Information.png Add Information: Enter some additional explanation for your students, which might help them while working with your Applet.
  • Menu-edit.svg Edit: Edit the Heading of the Applet or make changes to the Applet itself.
    • Edit Applet allows you to open and edit your construction using the GeoGebra Web App.
      Note Hinweis: You may drag the lower right corner of the GeoGebra Web App to increase its size for editing. Please note that this will not change the size of the Applet on your Dynamic Worksheet.
    • Replace Applet allows you to replace your Applet by searching for another applet or creating a new one.
    • Download (.ggb) allows you to save your Applet as a .ggb file on your computer.
      Anmerkung: You need to click on Save and Close at the bottom of your Dynamic Worksheet before you are able to use the Download (.ggb) button.
  • Menu-edit-copy.svg Copy: Copy the Applet Element if you want to reuse it on this Dynamic Worksheet.
  • Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete: Delete the Applet from your Dynamic Worksheet.

Click Done in order to finish editing your Applet. Then, click Save at the bottom of your Dynamic Worksheet to save your changes.

Advanced Applet Settings
Click on the Edit Menu-edit.svg icon of your Applet Element and select Advanced Settings... below the Applet in order to add more advanced features to your GeoGebra Applet:

  • Width and Height: Enter the exact size of your applet in pixel or drag the lower right corner of the Applet to change its size.
  • Change scale: Change the scale of your GeoGebra Applet (default scale is 1).
  • Enable Right Click, Zooming and Keyboard Editing: Allow users to right-click (MacOS: Ctrl-click), zoom, or edit the applet using their keyboard.
  • Enable Dragging of Labels: Allow users to drag the labels of objects to a new position.
  • Show Icon to Reset Construction: Provide the option to reset the Applet to its default state.
  • Enable Shift-Drag & Zoom: Allow users to move the Graphics View by holding the Shift key and dragging the background of the Graphics View or to zoom in / zoom out by holding the Shift key while using the mouse wheel.
  • Applet fixable on screen: Displays a button to “Fix Applet on Screen” above the right corner of the GeoGebra Applet (visible in the Preview of your Dynamic Worksheet). This allows your students to scroll down the Dynamic Worksheet without changing the position of the Applet on screen, which is especially useful if there is a long explanation for the applet or several instruction steps to follow.
  • Show Menu: Display the the Menu button at the top right corner of the Applet to allow users access to the full GeoGebra Menu.
  • Show Toolbar: Display the Toolbar at the top of the Applet.
  • Show Input Bar: Display the Input Bar at the bottom of the Applet.
  • Preferred applet type: Choose your preferred applet type (Default, HTML5 or Java).

Click Done in order to finish editing the Advanced Applet Settings. Then, click Save at the bottom of your Worksheet to save your changes.


Click on the button Insert Element and select Button-Video.png from the list of available Worksheet Elements.

How to Insert a Video

  1. Fill in a Heading for the video.
  2. Enter the URL of your video.
  3. Click Done in order to close the dialog and insert the video into your Dynamic Worksheet.

How to Edit a Video
If you move your mouse over an inserted video, the editing options appear. Just select one of them by clicking on the corresponding icon.

  • Add-Information.png Add Information: Enter some additional explanation or tasks for your students, which might help them while watching the video.
  • Menu-edit.svg Edit: Open the Video Element editor and edit the Title or its URL.
  • Menu-edit-copy.svg Copy: Copy the Video Element if you want to reuse it on this Dynamic Worksheet.
  • Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete: Delete the video from your Dynamic Worksheet.

Click Done in order to finish editing your video, and then Save at the bottom of your Dynamic Worksheet to save your changes.


Click on the button Insert Element and select Datei:Button-Image.png from the list of available Worksheet Elements.

How to Insert an Image

  1. Fill in a Heading for your image.
  2. Click the button Choose Image File.
  3. Browse your computer for the image file you want to add to your worksheet, select the file, and click Open.
    Note Hinweis: You may also enter the URL of an online image into the textfield of the appearing dialog window instead of selecting a file from your computer.

How to Edit an Image
If you move your mouse over an inserted image the editing options appear. Just select one of them by clicking on the corresponding icon.

  • Add-Information.png Add Information: Enter some additional explanation or tasks for your students.
  • Menu-edit.svg Edit: Open the Image Element editor and edit the image heading or change the image.
  • Menu-edit-copy.svg Copy: Copy the Image Element if you want to reuse the image on the same Dynamic Worksheet.
  • Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete: Delete the image from your Dynamic Worksheet.

Click Done in order to finish editing your image and then Save at the bottom of your Dynamic Worksheet to save your changes.

How to Access a Dynamic Worksheet

You may access a list of all your GeoGebra Materials in two ways:

  • My Materials on the main page of GeoGebra: Log in to your GeoGebra Account in order to find a complete list of your GeoGebra Worksheets on the main page of GeoGebra.
  • My Profile: Open your profile page in order to see a complete list of your GeoGebra Worksheets on tab Worksheets.
Anmerkung: You can also search for Dynamic Worksheets of other users and copy them in order to create derivative work.

After selecting one of your GeoGebra Worksheets from this list, you get to its overview page. Here, you have the following options:

View Worksheet
You may preview your Dynamic Worksheet in a new tab of your browser.

Menu-edit.svg Edit
Opens the Dynamic Worksheet Editor and allows you to make changes to a Dynamic Worksheet.

Menu-edit-delete.svg Delete
Deletes a Dynamic Worksheet from your GeoGebra Account.

Menu-edit-copy.svg Make a Copy
Creates a copy of a Dynamic Worksheet in order to reuse its structure and / or content.

+ Add to GeoGebraBook
Add a Dynamic Worksheet to one of your GeoGebraBooks by selecting it from the provided list. After selecting one of the GeoGebraBooks, you can specify in which chapter (if applicable) the Dynamic Worksheet should be inserted.


Download a Dynamic Worksheet to your computer as a .zip file in order to use it offline.

Anmerkung: You need to agree to the terms of GeoGebra's non-commercial license in order to download a Dynamic Worksheet.

You may manage the access for other users, share the Dynamic Worksheet, or change its visibility status.

© 2024 International GeoGebra Institute