Klizač Alat

Izvor: GeoGebra Manual
Datum izmjene: 21 januar 2012 u 17:34; autor: Mhrbat (razgovor | doprinosi)
Idi na: navigaciju, pretragu
Accessories dictionary.png
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Kliknimo na bilo koji slobodni dio radne površi da kreiramo klizač za broj ili ugao. Dijaloški prozor, koji će se pojaviti, omogućit će nam da specificiramo Ime, Interval [min, max] i Korak za broj ili ugao, kao i Položaj i Širinu klizača (u pikselima), kao i njegovu Brzinu i način Animacije.

Napomena: U dijaloškom prozoru klizača možemo unositi oznaku za stepen ° ili pi (π) za interval, a u polju za korak možemo koristititi sljedeće tastaturne kratice:
  • Alt-O (Mac OS: Ctrl-O) za oznaku stepena °
  • Alt-P (Mac OS: Ctrl-P) pi za simbol π

The position of a slider may be absolute in the Graphics View (this means that the slider is not affected by zooming, but always remains in the visible part of the Graphics View) or relative to the coordinate system (see Properties Dialog of the corresponding number or angle).

  • In GeoGebra, a slider is the graphical representation of a free number or free angle. You can easily create a slider for any existing free number or angle by showing this object in the Graphics View (see Context Menu; see tool Tool Show Hide Object.gif Show/Hide Object).
  • Sliders made with the Tool Slider.gif Slider Tool are fixed by default (from GeoGebra 4.0). To translate a fixed slider when Tool Move.gif Move Tool is selected, you can drag it with your right mouse button. When Tool Slider.gif Slider Tool is selected, you can use either left or right button.


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