Algebarski Prikaz

Izvor: GeoGebra Manual
Datum izmjene: 24 februar 2012 u 23:42; autor: Mhrbat (razgovor | doprinosi)
Idi na: navigaciju, pretragu
Accessories dictionary.png
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Koristeći Traku za unos u mogućnosti smo da u programu GeoGebra direktno unosimo algebarski izraz. Nakon unosa i pritiska tipke Enter naš algebarski unos bit će prikazan u Algebarskom prikazu , dok će odgovarajuća grafička reprezentacija biti automatski prikazana na Radnoj površi.

Primjer: Unos f(x) = x^2 daje jednačinu funkciju f u Algebarskom prikazu i odgovarajući graf funkcije na radnoj površi.

U algebarskom prikazu, matematičke figure su organizovane kao nezavisne i zavisne figure. Ako kreiramo novu figuru bez upotrebe neke od kreiranih-postojećih figura, novo kreirana figura bit će klasificirana kao nezavisna figura. Ako smo novu figuru kreirali koristeći neku već kreiranu-postojeću figuru, novo kreirana figura bit će klasificirana kao zavisna figura.

Note Uputa: If you want to hide the algebraic representation of an object in the Algebra View, you may specify the object as an auxiliary object: Right click (Mac OS: Ctrl-click) on the corresponding object in the Algebra View and select Properties from the appearing Context Menu. On tab Basic of the Properties Dialog you may specify the object as an Auxiliary Object. By default, auxiliary objects are not shown in the Algebra View, but you can change this setting by selecting the item Auxiliary Objects from the View Menu.

Note that you are able to modify objects in the Algebra View as well: Make sure that you activate the Tool Move.gif Move Tool before you double click on a free object in the Algebra View. In the appearing text box you can directly edit the algebraic representation of the object. After hitting the Enter-key, the graphical representation of the object will automatically adapt to your changes.

If you double click on a dependent object in the Algebra View, a dialog window appears allowing you to Redefine the object.

GeoGebra also offers a wide range of commands that can be entered into the Input Bar. You can open the list of commands in the right corner of the Input Bar by clicking on the button Command. After selecting a command from this list (or typing its name directly into the Input Bar) you can press the F1-key to get information about the syntax and arguments required to apply the corresponding command.

Styling Bar

This Styling Bar contains two buttons.

Auxiliary.png Auxiliary objects
toggling this button shows or hides Auxiliary Objects.
Tree.png Sort Objects by Type
when turned on, objects are sorted by type (e.g. Points, Lines, ...), otherwise they are divided among Free, Dependent and Auxiliary Objects.


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