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GeoGebra Manual
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FillCells( <CellRange>, <Object> )
Copies the value/equation etc. of the object to the given cellrange. Resulting cells are ([Free, Dependent and Auxiliary Objects|free objects)], i.e. independent of object.
  • CellRange has to be entered like this: e.g.: B2:D5.
  • Object can be anything, e.g.: 3, RandomBetween(0, 10), Circle(A, B).
  • Cells are labelled by column and row, e.g.: B2.
FillCells( <Cell>, <List> )
Copies values from the list to the first cells on the right of the given cell. Resulting cells are ([Free, Dependent and Auxiliary Objects|free objects)], i.e. independent of the list.
FillCells( <Cell>, <Matrix> )
Copies values from the matrix into the spreadsheet. The upper left corner of the matrix is matched to the given cell. Resulting cells are ([Free, Dependent and Auxiliary Objects|free objects)], i.e. independent of the matrix.
노트: See also FillRow and FillColumn commands.
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