Translation:Email 2011-12

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Dear GeoGebra translators,

As promised, the new online translation app is now ready!


  • untranslated keys appear first (with a red box)
  • more than one person can work on translating at the same time
  • technical errors will be highlighted eg for a missing [
Incorrect format for <Liste>, <Liste>, ...] Should be of the form [arg1, arg2, ...]
  • you can search through all keys using the “search” box
  • you can also use browser search to find keys (ie Ctrl-F) and use the browser’s spell checker
  • keys are tagged (4.0, 4.2, 5.0) so for example it will be possible to start translating 4.2 and correct mistakes in 4.0
  • for the Syntax keys, you no longer need the command name

so we think this will make translating quicker and more enjoyable :)

You will need a login to use this, so please send an email to with your desired login and which language you translate and we’ll set you up an account asap.

For your information, this has all been written by Arnaud Delobelle, who is also working on some other exciting GeoGebra developments (Python Scripting and an Equation Editor) so we’re very lucky to have him on the team! He is happy to receive constructive feedback on the new system.


Mike, Zbynek & Arnaud

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