Settings Dialog
This dialog is available by selecting the Advanced item in Options Menu, or by clicking the Preferences icon on the Toolbar.
It is divided into different sections, which are shown depending on active objects and Views: Properties, Graphics, CAS, Spreadsheet, Layout, Defaults, and Advanced.
In this section the properties of objects can be changed. Clicking on the related icon displays the Properties Dialog of the object.
This section is displayed only if the Graphics View is active and allows you to define its settings, e.g. background colour, axes and grid. See Customizing the Graphics View for further details.
This section is displayed only if the CAS View is active, and allows you to:
- set a timeout for the CAS calculations, in seconds
- set how to show rational exponents
This section is displayed only if the Spreadsheet View is active. Here you can customize the spreadsheet, setting preferences for the input bar, grid lines, column/row headers and scrollbars. You can also enable using buttons, checkboxes and tooltips.
This section allows you to customize the layout of the main components of your GeoGebra window, setting the position of the Input_Bar, the Toolbar, and the sidebar, as well as the Style Bar and title bar visibility.
This section allows you to customize the appearance and style of all the mathematical objects in GeoGebra. The list of all available objects is shown on the left of the dialog window, while on the right the Properties Dialog tabs are shown, where you can set visibility, colour, style and algebraic settings for all your mathematical objects.
This section contains the following advanced global settings:
- Angle Unit: switch between Degree and Radians
- Right Angle Style: choose the symbol for a right angle
- Coordinates: define how coordinates are displayed algebraically
- Continuity: if Continuity is On, GeoGebra tries to set new calculated points near the original ones
- Use Path and region Parameters: you can turn On and Off this option
- Virtual Keyboard: options to set the virtual keyboard language, its width,height and opacity
- Checkbox Size: switch between regular and large checkboxes
- Fonts Size: set the Menu font size
- Tooltips: set the tooltip language and a timeout for tooltips
- Language: use digits and point names specified for your language