ZoomIn Command

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ZoomIn[ <Scale Factor> ]
Zooms the Graphics View in by given factor with respect to current zoom, center of the screen is used as center point for the zoom.
Example: ZoomIn[1] doesn't do anything, ZoomIn[2] zooms the view in, ZoomIn[0.5]is equivalent to ZoomOut[2], i.e. it zooms the view out.
ZoomIn[ <Scale Factor>, <Center Point> ]
Zooms the Graphics View in by given factor with respect to current zoom, second parameter specifies center point for the zoom.
ZoomIn[ <Min-x>, <Min-y>, <Max-x>, <Max-y> ]
Zooms the graphics view to the rectangle given by vertices (Min-x, Min-y), (Max-x,Max y). If any of these parameters are dependent or has label set, the bounds of the view become dynamic (e.g. if a is a slider, ZoomIn[-a,-a,a,a] makes the zoom of the view dependent on slider a). To avoid this behaviour, use CopyFreeObject Command.
Note: If multiple Graphics Views are present, the active one is used.


Idea of Use[edit]

Linear aproximation of a function by its tangent[edit]

Create a function f with a point A on it and a button with the code ZoomIn(2,A) to see that the function looks equal to the tangent for a big "magnification". Another button with ZoomOut let you be able to prove this at other positions of the point A.

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