GeoGebra Institute:2010 Annual Report GI Cantabria

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The Instituto GeoGebra de Cantabria (IGC) was founded in May, 2009. It is associated to the Centro Internacional de Encuentros Matemáticos (CIEM) of the Universidad de Cantabria ([1]).

Two characteristics of this Institute are

- the plural origin of its members (from different regions within Spain and from several different countries)

- the special relation of its staff with some important, nationwide, projects and courses related to GeoGebra (see [2] and [3])

In fact, in May 2010, a cooperation agreement has been signed between the IGC and the Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas (ITE) of the Spanish Ministry of Education ([4]).


Twenty more persons have registered as associated members along this year, two of them from Brasil and Peru. Four of these new members have been certified as Users, one as Expert. One of these new members is a Tutor at the ITE-GeoGebra course.

Training and Support

• Online course for Primary Education Teachers: [5]

• In-service Secondary Education Teachers training course, specific for members of the Sociedad Matematica de Profesores de Cantabria. November 19-20, 2010. Two lecturers, 21 participants. [6]

• Two intensive courses (Basic, Advanced) at the Dia GeoGebra (Salamanca, [7]). Sept. 9, 2010. Circa 100 participants, two lecturers. Visit: [8] [9]

• Issuing the following certificates:

Users: 20 certifications

Experts: 10 certifications

Trainers: 3 certifications

Development and Sharing

• Participation at the Google Summer of Code (Miguel Abanades Mentor from the IGC, Sergio Arbeo, student, Locus Line in GeoGebra [10])


Exploración de lugares mediante rastro de color [11]

Aplicaciones de trayectorias poligonales [12]


Iluminación y poliedros [13]

Proyecciones y grafos [14]

Las dimensiones del hipercubo [15]

Explorador de mosaicos periódicos [16]


Create fast color maps without constructing. Example 1 [17] Example 2 [18] Example 3 [19] Example 4 [20] Example 5 [21] Example 6 [22] Example 7 [23] Example 8 [24]

A smart way of finding Voronoi diagrams. Example 1 [25] Example 2 [26] Example 3 [27] Example 4 [28] Example 5 [29] Example 6 [30] Example 7 [31]

Color Theory. [32]

Kaleidoscope and Dynamic Color. [33]

Kaleidoscope and Polar Coordinates. [34]

• DÍA GEOGEBRA. Contributing to the presentations at the Dia GeoGebra (Salamanca, Sept. 9). Visit [35] and [36]

Research and Collaboration


• Organization of the meeting AD + GeoGebra on Automatic Deduction and GeoGebra, see [37]

• Work on “Escaleras deslizantes flexibles: Un repaso actualizado y específico al puente entre Geometría Dinámica y Álgebra Computacional” (Boletín Puig Adam, 2010, numero 84)


• Organization of the first coordination meeting for Spanish GeoGebra Institutes. CoCU-i2g-Es [38] (Coordinación de Comunidades de Usuarios de GD: Institutos GeoGebra en España). CIEM, Jan. 15, 2010.

• Attending a follow-up meeting at Cordoba, March 12, at the GeoGebra Workshop from the Instituto GeoGebra de Andalucía. Visit: [39]

• Attending the first GeoGebra workshop at the Instituto GeoGebra de Madrid (March 15, 2010)

• Organizing a presentation of all the Geogebra Institutes of Spain, at the Día GeoGebra (Salamanca, Sept. 9).

• Participating at the meeting Real Geometry, Computer Álgebra and Math Education, presenting the conference: Teorí May 21, 2010 [40]


Organizing and supporting the first GeoGebra Prizes (in Spain) for teachers and students, awarded at the Dia GeoGebra. Visit [41] and [42] Circa 100 participants at the prizes.


Botana, F.; Valcarce, J.L.: Escaleras deslizantes flexibles: Un repaso actualizado y específico al puente entre Geometría Dinámica y Álgebra Computacional (Boletín Puig Adam, 2010, no. 84).

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